Enron Mail

Subject:(no subject)
Date:Mon, 2 Oct 2000 01:36:00 -0700 (PDT)

Deb: I had a great time seeing you. Hope you've recovered from the weekend
and that Jennifer got back to school alright and Zachary is ready for another
week. How's the house? Maybe you've seen this message before. Love, Sas
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 10/02/2000 08:34 AM -----

09/28/2000 04:29 PM

To: dugjaxon@earthlink.net, eman@direcpc.com, IBorstein@aol.com,
JUDITGB@aol.com, Lacooperaty@mindspring.com, MERLIND12@aol.com,
Gaffen@compuserve.com, egaffe2@hallmark.com, sgaffen@ncninc.com,
Evantrade@aol.com, Paige@penexpress.com, ATTSBG@aol.com, JG922@aol.com,
jdrucker@speercollectibles.com, bkopkin@webpc.dellnet.com, skopkin@usa.net,
Slpressman@aol.com, spressman@imsva.com, lschwart@spsu.edu,
Sara.Shackleton@enron.com, Jim6904@aol.com, DStein009@aol.com,
BOBROC1@aol.com, steres@bwclaw.com, JStrausmd@aol.com, Gusdan@bellsouth.net,
Subject: (no subject)

And so, for all of us, our families & our friends we ask:

May we get a clean bill of health from our dentist, our psychiatrist, our
ophthalmologist, our cardiologist, our gastroenterologist, our urologist, our
proctologist, our gynecologist, our podiatrist, our plumber and the IRS.

May our hair, our teeth, our facelift, our abs, our honey cakes, and our
stocks not fall and may our blood pressure, our triglycerides, our
our white blood count, our weight and our mortgage interest rates not rise.

May we find a way to travel from anywhere to anywhere in the rush hour in
less than an hour and when we get there, may we find a parking space.

May we all relax about the third millennium of the common era, and realize
that we still have 239 years until the dawn of the sixth millennium of the
Hebrew calendar by which time the computer will be long since obsolete and so
will we.

May G-d give us the strength to get through this presidential campaign and
may some of the promises made be kept. May we believe at least half of what
candidates propose and may those elected fulfill at least half of what they
promise and may the miracle of reducing taxes and balancing budgets come to

May we be awe-struck by G-d's sense of humor as we realize that a
professional wrestler could have become president of the United States and
an Orthodox Jew has risen to prominence in American politics while remaining
true to his Jewish roots. It is my belief that G-d's joyous humor is the
he really does not want us to touch our toes while exercising or he would have
put them further up our bodies; and, the reason so many of us take up jogging
to hear heavy breathing again.

May what we see in the mirror delight us and what others see in us,
them. May someone, as well as G-d, love us enough to forgive our faults, be
blind to our blemishes and tell the world about our virtues.

May the telemarketers wait until after we finish dinner to call us.

May our checkbooks and budgets balance and may they include generous
for charity.

May we remember to say "I love you" at least once a day to our spouse, our
child, our parent, all of our significant others but not our boss, our intern,
our nurse, our masseur, our hairdresser or our tennis instructor.

And may the Messiah come this year, and if he does not, may we live as if
has, in a world at peace, with awareness of G-d's love in every sunset,
baby's smile, lover's kiss, and every wonderful astonishing beat of our heart.
May we smile and laugh throughout the year.

L'Shana Tova. Sam