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What is the network theory here? I'm also not a fan of an only Jordanian play. Politically, I'm not sure it makes sense, (like Gaza) What's the benefit here? Jeff Rick Bergsieker@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 09/25/2000 11:59 AM To: Jeffrey A Shankman@ECT, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: JORDAN FYI---this project is heating up rapidly and may be quite attractive. I had separate talks inLondon on Friday last week to explore turning this into a regional development project in the Aqaba/Eilat area at the tip of the red sea (where Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi all meet and where a regional planning authority is in place). There may be a good opportunity for a regional power and district cooling plant with energy management and gas/power marketing opportunities. Will advise after Rob's meeting s in Cairo/Amman and after we scrub this at our Dubai planning meeting this week Rick ---------------------- Forwarded by Rick Bergsieker/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 09/25/2000 11:54 AM --------------------------- Hamdi Atta <hiatta@emirates.net.ae< on 09/19/2000 04:45:12 AM Please respond to Hamdi Atta <Hamdi.Atta@gdi.co.ae< To: El-Hage Charles <el-hage_charles@bah.com< cc: Rick.Bergsieker@enron.com, Rob Stewart <Rob.Stewart@enron.com<, amin.badr-el-din@summitcs.com, saddi_joe@bah.com Subject: Re: JORDAN Charles, Further to my last email my thoughts on the competing schemes are as follows; I reviewed the subject of your email from the angle of competing schemes and the advise I received is that the whole project should be presented and dealt with as an "area" project serving several countries inclusive of Jordan (ie. the hub approach). It is very important that it is promoted this way or there might be a big risk of leaving the image or consideration that this is just purely a Jordanian project without a broader scope. Regards, Hamdi ----- Original Message ----- From: El-Hage Charles <el-hage_charles@bah.com< To: Rob Stewart <Rob.Stewart@enron.com< Cc: Hamdi Atta <hiatta@emirates.net.ae<; Rick Bergsieker <Rick.Bergsieker@enron.com<; Saddi Joe <saddi_joe@bah.com<; Amin Badr-El-Din <amin.badr-el-din@summitcs.com<; <Hamdi.Atta@gdi.co.ae<; El-Hage Charles <el-hage_charles@bah.com< Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 11:36 PM Subject: JORDAN Fellows, I had a number of interesting sessions today on Amman on the subject of Egypt gas. IN summary: - The Prime mInister and Oil Minister are open to discuss this project, in the context of clear future needs, estimated at 400 BCF by 2005. As a matter of fact, the Oil Minister - Wa'el Sabri - brought in his senior team to the meeting and scheduled a working session with Enron for September 27, at 10:00 AM - In addition, the Royal Court (Diwan) support this development and has sent to the meetings Dr. Bassem Awadallah, the Economic Advisor to King Abdullah - The Amoco deal is dead: they had an axclusivity arrangement which ended recently and they had in mind a pricing scheme linked to the "fuel being used currently" or to oil prices, both of which were totally unacceptable to JOrdan - Whatever deal there is will need to compete against the odds that the deal with Irak, which provides Jordan with virtually "free" oil, will keep as it is. In fact, it is this deal which has allowed the Government to procrastinate on the AMOCO discussions - Jordan is comfortable that there is gas in Risha, close to the Irak border. Schlumberger are currently exploring in that region. The thing is that the government is convinced that whatever gas they may find in Risha should not prevent them fromstriking a deal for an import scheme - The government has been approached by the Saleh Kamel group of saudi arabia, which believes thay may be able to set up a new company which will develop gas fields in the northwestern part of saudi (Tabouk) and export it to Jordan. This is still at a very preliminary stage, but appears to be of great interest to the jordanians - IN addition, British Gas approached the minister with a new scheme, relying on gas discovered "off the coast of Gaza and Israel, which will require a shorter pipeline. the thing is that the Jordanians feel uncomfortable with imports through Israel at this stage of the "peace process"! So here we are, welcome to pitch into this situation. I used the argument of speed of development and this is something we need to check with the Egyptians. The course of action is as follows: 1. ENRON is to issue a letter to the Jordan Energy Minister (ASAP) stating the opportunity and formally requesting discussions. No MIDDLEMAN PLEASE...THIS WAS CLEARLY STATED BY THE PM and the Minister!. The address is: H.E. Eng. WA'EL SABRI Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources P.O.Box 140027, Amman, Jordan Fax No. 9626 586 5373 Phone No. 9626 581 1338 A fax will do, as far as the minister is concerned. 2. A meeting has been scheduled on september 27, at 10:00 AM in the Minister's office. it is likely to be attended by Ahmad Bashir, secretary General of the Ministry and Rashad Aburas, Advisor to the Minister (National Electric Power Co.), plus some other people 3. Based on the demand projections and timing, the jordanians expect some kind of a formal proposal. time of important, as other competing schemes may have political or technical delays Fellows, the Jordanians are supportive of the scheme and its sponsors, so we need to capitalize on this. In line with my phone discussions with Rob, I will try to rearrange the meeting for monday sept. 25 and, if possible, our meeting in Cairo for sunday sept. 24. I will keep you posted. Any thoughts on the competing schemes are most welcome. Charles