Thanks for the update. Is there another piece (external attachment) needed=
for web use? Sounds like you are doing well. =20
From: LaMetrice Dopson/ENRON@enronXgate on 12/19/2000 08:22 AM
To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT=20
Subject: New Pocket PC - iPAC
Dear Mr. Shankman,
Philippe Bibi, Chief Technology Officer of Enron Networks, has purchased fo=
your use a pocket PC by Compaq called =01&the iPAQ=018. This device allows=
you to=20
leave the desktop behind and remotely
? Read e-mail
? View attachments and stay productive anywhere.=20
? Take the Internet and important information with you.=20
? Record voice messages=20
The device has high-resolution color display which gives you easy screen=20
viewing and sharp, brilliant clarity in any light. Please refer to the=20
attached web address for additional functionality <<; =01&click on virtual t=
My name is LaMetrice Dopson, Director of Customer Service. I will be=20
responsible for ensuring that this device is quickly and appropriately=20
installed in your environment. To maximize the functionality of the device=
we would like to expedite the installation of Window 2000 on your desktop. =
In order to do this, I will schedule a time with your executive assistant t=
survey your desktop and identify the applications that you utilize. This=
information will ensure the appropriate configuration is implemented for yo=
environment. This will also require converting your assistant to Windows=
Please inform your assistant if you are interested in having this device=20
installed. I will contact her by the next business day. At that time, I=
will send out additional information of what you can expect to receive with=
the installation. =20
This is a great user-friendly tool to have. I look forward to working with=
you. =20
LaMetrice Dopson
Director- Customer Service
Enron Networks
Office 713-853-6924
Pager 877-345-0794