Enron Mail |
Unfortunately, I cannot attend the meetings at noon. Jeff
Cheryl Blissitte <bliss@camh.org< on 01/17/2001 05:00:22 AM Please respond to Cheryl Blissitte <bliss@camh.org< To: Edward Allen <eallen@eagleglobal.com<, Bernard Arocha <barocha@msn.com<, Ellie Beard <ecabeard@aol.com<, Toni Beauchamp <TONIBEAUCHAMP@YAHOO.COM<, Fran Berg <fberg@swbell.net<, Deborah Brochstein <deborah@brochsteins.com<, Brad Bucher <brad@gcchem.com<, Jeff Daly <jeffrey.daly@gs.com<, Chadwick Dodd <cdodd@Jwortham.com<, Sara Dodd <sfpdodd@aol.com<, Heidi Gerger <HMG60@aol.com<, William Goldberg <wgoldberg@kpmg.com<, John Guess <jfguess@usa.net<, Rachel Hecker <ritexdog@aol.com<, Bruce Herzog <bherzog@genesis-park.com<, Louise Jamail <RobotRob@aol.com<, Jill Jewett <TheJewetts@msn.com<, Leonard Jones <ljones@rfp-co.com<, "I.H. Kempner III" <ihkempner@imperialsugar.com<, Carmen Knapp <sailby2@aol.com<, Elwyn Lee <ECLee@uh.edu<, Angela Myres <asmyres@msn.com<, Evi Newar <EviNew@aol.com<, Roy Nolen <roy.nolen@bakerbotts.com<, Robert Palmquist <robert.p.palmquist@us.arthurandersen.com<, Annise Parker <aparker@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us<, Jeff Shankman <jshankm@enron.com<, Charles Smith <RSMCES@aol.com<, Reginald Smith <rsmith@kslaw.com<, Laura Walls <lmorwalls@aol.com<, Kenneth Williams <kmwilliams@frostbank.com<, Michael Zilkha <michael@zilkha.com< cc: Subject: Just a reminder that there is a board meeting on Monday, January 22 at 12 Noon in the Cullen Education Resource Center. Since this is a luncheon meeting, if you have not already done so, please do let me know TODAY if you are planning to attend or NOT ATTEND. I want to be sure to have a box lunch for everyone who is there!