Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 10 Nov 2000 23:21:00 -0800 (PST)

Super Saturday is super early---7:15 sat. morn. and I'm at my desk. Sounds
like all your events will be fun. I'm counting on your helping me with my
parties, too!
Sounds like this week is busy, but I'm around next weekend. We'll figure it
out this week. No message yesterday, so I rescheduled it for late afternoon
today, can wait.


Alexandra Saler@EES
11/10/2000 01:20 PM
To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re:

this was the wierdest book I have ever read. It was called The Story of O,
and it about this sex cult in Paris and it totally freaked me out. I am glad
that it is over. I started another one last night that is a little bit
lighter. Three generations of Jewish women in the south kind of thing. tell
me if yours is good. I haven't read it. I am going to the chronicle book
dinner on sunday and I am totally psyched. if you want me to get any of the
books signed for you let me know. Ted Coppel will be there with his new
book. I am running out so leave me a message if you want it. Have a great
weekend! I am bummed you can't make next thursday, so we will have to plan
something fun soon.

To: Alexandra Saler/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re:

Everything was ok, just busy. Good book? I just started "When the sons of
heaven meet the daughters of earth" have you heard of it? I'd absolutely
love to go the the Anne Frank thing, but I can't get back from the management
conference. I'm on a panel (with Jeremy) early Friday a.m.

Alexandra Saler@EES
11/10/2000 08:16 AM
To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re:

they must make you sign a confidentiality agreement when you walk in the
door! well, I guess I have no choice but to believe you, even though some
juicy details would be kind of fun!
Her piano was so bad they had to do it twice. At least I got to finish a

To: Alexandra Saler/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re:

piano tuning? nothing bad about last night--very tame.

Alexandra Saler@EES
11/09/2000 12:01 PM
To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re:

ok...so I do want the low-down on last night b/c I am sure there is a lot
that is inappropriate for email! I will be out of the office all afternoon
so if you want to talk I'll be on my cell phone 256-5582.
Big....small....it is still the Enron Executive Committee and you should feel
extremely proud. I am so happy for you!
I hope that you have a great lunch and that your speech went will this


To: Alexandra Saler/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re:

Great! Sorry YOU weren't there...
I'm on my way out for a lunch. I'll call you later. (I'm excited about
the exec committee, but it is a little big, so I told Skilling we should
rename it the exec villiage!)

Alexandra Saler@EES
11/09/2000 11:06 AM
To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT

how was the dinner? I heard that there are PLENTY of girls there!