Enron Mail

Subject:Re: tax structure pre-pays in the north sea
Date:Mon, 23 Oct 2000 01:14:00 -0700 (PDT)

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---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 10/23/2000
08:15 AM ---------------------------

Chris Mahoney
10/20/2000 03:20 PM
To: Chris Mahoney/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike
Subject: Re: tax structure pre-pays in the north sea

In addition to this business below there is a very good chance that we are
going to get a short of 1.4 mil bbls per year
of low sulfur fuel oil barges for 2001-2004. We think this will be a good
deal for us to get on the books since the bulk of the
hedging interest that the continental gas desk is bringing to us is customers
looking to buy fuel to hedge natural gas prices.
Continental gas are anxious to close this deal because the gas contract is
well in the money and would like to book this
deal for this quarter. There are var issues that need to be considered
though so we need to address this at the beginning
of the week.



Chris Mahoney
10/16/2000 11:03 PM
To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike

Subject: tax structure pre-pays in the north sea

corporate finance in London (primarily Chris Harris) has been looking for
about 6 months into approaching the small north sea
producers to do pre-pay purchase contracts that would enable the producers to
significantly reduce their tax liability to the uk
government. These producers (talisman, kerr mcgee, lasmo, hess, enterprise,
and a couple of others) are
currently paying some 65-70% of the value of crude oil back to the government
and they feel the cost savings to the producers is
something on the line of 25% after financing costs for the pre-pay. I have
asked them to do a presentation to you, as if you were one
of the producers, for how this structure would work. Can you advise when you
would be free for this? The volumes could be large
(potentially upto 25 million bbls) and there is considerable basis risk in
hedging these physical volumes. we are looking into the
price that we could bid them for their physical oil that covers the basis
risk. It would be nice to try to combine this with some long-
term gas supply contract on the continent that would require us to be buying
fuel and gasoil as the hedge and we are approaching
some of the large natural gas buyers in continental europe to see if the
recent spike in oil prices has encouraged more hedging.
please let me know your thoughts on this and when/if you could be free for a
presentation from chris harris.

