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Subject:Carolyne Roehm, Tools, and Holiday Guides
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 14:09:47 -0800 (PST)

Amazon.com Delivers Home & Garden [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Home & Garde=
n [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Editor, Teri Kieffer [IMAGE] October 29, 2001 =
Search: BooksRare & Used Books Kids' BooksSpanish BooksAll Products Brow=
se: Home & Garden Choose a subject:Arts & PhotographyBiographies & Memo=
irs Business & Investing Children's BooksComputers & Internet Cooking, =
Food & Wine EngineeringEntertainmentGay & Lesbian Health, Mind & Body His=
toryHome & GardenHorrorLawLiterature & Fiction MedicineMystery & Thrille=
rs NonfictionOutdoors & Nature Parenting & Families Professional & Techn=
ical ReferenceReligion & SpiritualityRomanceScienceScience Fiction & Fant=
asySportsTeensTravel------------Audio BooksBargain BooksChristian Books =
e-Books & DocsLarge PrintOprahSpanish-Language =09
[IMAGE] Some terrific books are coming out just now--in prime time for =
holiday gifting or simply for escaping into pleasant dreams of redecoratin=
g your home, landscaping your yard, or planning your next craft project. C=
arolyne Roehm gives us a privileged glimpse of her entertaining secrets; D=
iane Ackerman treats us to a lyrical trip around her garden; and Bethany R=
eynolds has come out with a new stack-n-whackier quilts book, with many new=
ideas for layering and cutting multiple pieces, and a whole lot more. Hap=
py reading! --Teri Kieffer =09
[IMAGE] Home [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Fruitcake, Garlands, and Cente=
rpieces [IMAGE] Martha's newest holiday guide, Classic Crafts and Recipes=
for the Holidays, brings brilliant Christmas crafts right to your fingert=
ips. Unique ideas, simple but elegant decorations, and truly edible fruitc=
ake are the order of the day. [IMAGE]See all of Martha's holiday guides=
[IMAGE] At Home with Carolyne Roehm Icon by Carolyne Roehm =
Former fashion designer Carolyne Roehm is renowned for combining a keen app=
reciation of beauty with practical know-how. With this gorgeously illustra=
ted guide, available on October 30, readers can go behind the scenes of he=
r memorable parties, learn her entertaining secrets, and visit the glamoro=
us homes where she has dazzled her prominent guests. --From the publisher =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Our Price: $42.00 You Save: $18.00 (3=
0%) [IMAGE]See more special occasions titles Garage: Rein=
venting the Place We Park Icon by Kira Obolensky Anyone who thinks the=
garage is simply a place to park the car will never think that way again =
after a look at this book. Garage takes a look at the last, undiscovered f=
rontier of home design--the most versatile room not in the house. The book=
explores many uses for this ubiquitous space--from studio, library, and m=
useum, to soundstage, playroom, and greenhouse. --From the publisher [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Our Price: $22.40 You Save: $9.60 (30%) =
[IMAGE]See more home design titles Tools: A Complete Illus=
trated Encyclopedia Icon by Garrett Wade, Dick Frank (Photographer) A =
spectacular visual dictionary of more than 450 beautifully photographed too=
ls, this gorgeous volume presents a dazzling range, from the trusty and fa=
miliar hammer and screwdriver to the very handsome ebony or rosewood marki=
ng gauge that one simply must have to make the most precise marks of where=
to cut--and let's not forget the crosscut saws, ripsaws, tenon saws, dove=
tail saws, slotting saws, veneer saws, frame saws, bucksaws, bow saws, cop=
ing saws, and jeweler's saws needed to do the actual cutting. --From the p=
ublisher [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Our Price: $28.00 You Save: $=
12.00 (30%) [IMAGE]See more titles about tools [IMAGE] Garde=
n [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Cultivating Delight: A Natural History of My Garden=
Icon by Diane Ackerman Diane Ackerman relishes the world of her gard=
en. As a poet, she finds within it an endless field of metaphors. As a na=
turalist, she notices each small, miraculous detail: the hummingbirds and =
their routines, the showy tulips, the crazy yellow forsythia. Of visiting =
deer she writes, "I love watching the deer, which always arrive like magic=
or a miracle or the answer to an unasked question." In her popular book =
A Natural History of the Senses , Ackerman celebrates the human body; in =
Cultivating Delight: A Natural History of My Garden, she turns her attenti=
on to the world outside the body, outside the human sphere. Structured by =
seasons, this is a book of subtle shifts, but the reader never feels lost.=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Our Price: $17.50 You Save: $7.50 =
(30%) [IMAGE]See more gardening and horticulture essays T=
he 12-Month Gardener : Simple Strategies for Extending Your Growing Season=
Icon by Jeff Ashton, et al For vegetable gardeners who dread winter a=
nd grocery store produce aisles, Jeff Ashton has an answer, and it's this:=
don't allow the cold to come. Cover your plants like you would a child in=
a crib. The 12-Month Gardener is a book about defying the tyranny of seas=
ons by building contraptions that control the plant's environment. It's a =
clearly written, detailed guide to constructing row covers, tunnels, and g=
reenhouses. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Our Price: $17.46 You Save=
: $7.49 (30%) [IMAGE]More books on horticultural technique =
The Greater Perfection: The Story of the Gardens at Les Quatre Vents =
Icon by Francis H. Cabot Les Quatre Vents in Charlevoix County, Quebec, =
has been acclaimed as the most aesthetically satisfying and horticulturall=
y exciting landscape experience in North America. The garden seamlessly co=
mbines elements from the best gardening traditions with the original and t=
he unexpected into a splendid composition that is nevertheless perfectly c=
ompatible with its natural surroundings. --From the publisher [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE]Read more Our Price: $52.50 You Save: $22.50 (30%) [I=
MAGE]More books on landscape design [IMAGE] Crafts [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
Yuletide Crafting, Decorating, and Other Delights [IMAGE] Incredibly, t=
he holidays are upon us again. To help you get started on your planning, t=
ake a look at our list of holiday craft guides--everything from Martha Ste=
wart's latest to Christopher Radko's Heart of Christmas is in stock. [I=
MAGE]Peruse our selection Vogue Knitting on the Go: Chunky Knit=
s Icon by Trisha Malcolm (Editor) Fashion meets function in super-size=
stitches, chic styles, and ultra-hip accessories. Large needles, simple s=
hapes, and multiple strands of yarn make this fabulous selection of dazzli=
ng pullovers, vests, tunics, turtlenecks--even accessories for the home--a=
s fast to finish as they are stylish. Best of all, the more than 20 chunky=
knit designs for men, women, and children are sized just right to fit eas=
ily in a knitting bag, offering a convenience every busy knitter on the go =
will appreciate. --From the publisher [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Our=
Price: $10.36 You Save: $2.59 (20%) [IMAGE]See more knitting b=
ooks Stack-n-Whackier Quilts (Another Magic Stack-n-Whack(tm) Bo=
ok) Icon by Bethany S. Reynolds Are you ready for an adventure into u=
nknown territory? Within almost every print fabric lies a world of designs=
waiting to be discovered. With the instructions and projects in this book=
, you will be ready to find unique and wonderful patterns in the most unex=
pected places. Whether you are a new quilter looking for an easy but intri=
guing project, or a veteran seeking new challenges, you will find delightf=
ul possibilities. The Stack-n-Whack method engages your eyes and mind thro=
ugh each step of the process, from cutting to piecing to finishing, as new=
designs emerge and change like patterns in a kaleidoscope. --From the pub=
lisher [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Our Price: $16.06 You Save: $6.=
89 (30%) [IMAGE]See more quilting books [IMAGE] Bestsellers =
in Home & Garden [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The Private House [IMAGE] by Rose=
Tarlow Our Price: $22.50 You Save: $15.00 (40%) Well-Tended P=
erennial Garden: Planting & Pruning Techniques [IMAGE] by Tracy Disabato=
-Aust, Steven M. Still (Foreword) Our Price: $20.96 You Save: $8.99 (3=
0%) The Not So Big House : A Blueprint for the Way We Really Live =
[IMAGE] by Sarah Susanka, Kira Obolensky (Contributor) Our Price: $21.0=
0 You Save: $9.00 (30%) [IMAGE] Discover More at Amazon.com [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Refine Your E-mail Choices [IMAGE] To receive mo=
re recommendations from our expert editors, just visit the Amazon.com De=
livers sign-up page . [IMAGE]See all Delivers categories [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] KitchenAid Sweepstakes [IMAGE] Enter our sweepstakes for a ch=
ance to win $10,000 in KitchenAid appliances. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG=
E] Now You Can Look Inside Many of Our Books Before You Buy [IMAGE] Thou=
sands of books are now available for you to browse through at Amazon.com. =
Any time you see this bent orange arrow on a book--or the words "Look insi=
de!"--it means parts of that book are available for you to look at online.=
Learn more or try looking inside The Impatient Gardener . [IMAGE]=
Visit the Reading Room [IMAGE] =09
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