Enron Mail

Subject:Gold Card Events - CIRQUE DU SOLEIL
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 18:47:57 -0700 (PDT)

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[IMAGE] American Express Gold Card Events American Express Dear Jeffre=
y: American Express
Gold Card Events offers you prime tickets to some of the nation's hottest =
entertainment events, an exclusive benefit for American Express Gold Card, =
Platinum Card
and CenturionSM Card members. For select Cardmembers like you, American =
Express is making access to these prime tickets easier than ever. You will=
receive regular e-mail updates notifying you of upcoming events, in some c=
ases before the shows have been announced to the general public. If you d=
o not wish to receive these e-mail updates, please see the instructions at=
! A CHRISTMAS CAROL - THE MUSICAL! To view new events ([IMAGE]) or link t=
o a complete listing of Gold Card events already on sale, please select a c=
ity: [IMAGE] Atlanta [IMAGE] Select Florida Cities [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Phoe=
nix [IMAGE] Boston [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Houston [IMAGE] St. Louis [IMAGE] C=
harlotte [IMAGE] Los Angeles [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Washington, DC [IMAGE] Chi=
cago [IMAGE] New York [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Other Cities [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Dalla=
s [IMAGE] Philadelphia [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Atlanta Return to Top =
[IMAGE] Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Atlanta presently on=
sale. [IMAGE] Boston Return to Top [IMAGE] A NIGHT OF MERRY MAYH=
EM featuring OZZY OSBOURNE & ROB ZOMBIE with MUDVAYNE & SOIL Verizon Wirele=
ss Arena (Manchester, NH) Thursday, December 20 at 7PM $48 & $75.50 Tickets=
on sale Saturday, October 20 at 10AM Call for tickets: 800-786-GOLD ORP=
HEUM THEATRE Please call 800-786-GOLD to order tickets to the following sho=
ws at the Orpheum Theatre: DISPATCH Friday, November 16 & Saturday, Novemb=
er 17 at 7:30PM $24.50 Tickets on sale Friday, October 19 at 10AM KING CRI=
MSON Saturday, December 8 at 7:30PM $38.50 & $50 Tickets on sale Saturday, =
October 20 at 10AM TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA Friday, December 14 & Saturday=
, December 15 at 7:30PM $41.50 & $52 Tickets on sale Saturday, October 20 a=
t 10AM Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Boston presently on s=
ale. [IMAGE] Charlotte Return to Top [IMAGE] Click here to view =
all Gold Card Events in Charlotte presently on sale. [IMAGE] Chicago R=
eturn to Top [IMAGE] Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Chica=
go presently on sale. [IMAGE] Dallas Return to Top [IMAGE] Click =
here to view all Gold Card Events in Dallas presently on sale. [IMAGE] =
Florida Return to Top [IMAGE] CIRQUE DU SOLEIL=20
Get Tickets Before the General Public - On Sale This Sunday! Cirque du So=
leil returns to Miami, with Quidam, a dazzling combination of acrobatic art=
istry, spellbinding images and sublime musical inspiration. Part fantasy, c=
ompletely fantastic, Cirque du Soleil will take you on an astonishing journ=
ey from the edge of your imagination to the edge of your seat. Quidam is a=
dreamlike adventure unlike anything you've ever experienced. Be prepared =
to be thrilled. Don't miss your chance to purchase tickets - before they go=
on sale to the general public. Now through October 30, you have the FIRST =
CHOICE of the BEST SEATS, but only for a limited time. Bicentennial Park, =
Downtown Miami Performances Begin February 7 $45-$65 Tickets on sale Sunday=
, October 21 at 10AM Please call 888-333-AMEX or visit www.admission.com f=
or tickets MIAMI DOLPHINS FOOTBALL - LUXURY SKYBOX Are you ready for so=
me football? Don't miss the opportunity to view the re-match between the AF=
C East's Miami Dolphins (3-2) and the NY Jets (3-2) from Pro Player Stadiu=
m's 210 foot, air conditioned luxury group skybox. Ticket price includes =
game day ticket (with exterior seating at time of purchase), gourmet buffet=
, private cash bar, and a special visit from a Miami Dolphin's alumnus. Th=
is special offer is only available until November 9th. Pro Player Stadium'=
s Hall of Champions (Miami) Miami Dolphins vs. New York Jets Sunday, Novemb=
er 18 at 1pm $300 per person (exterior seating) Tickets on sale now Call fo=
r tickets: 800-321-7787 A NIGHT OF MERRY MAYHEM featuring OZZY OSBOURNE =
& ROB ZOMBIE with MUDVAYNE & SOIL Mars Music Amphitheatre (West Palm Beach)=
Wednesday, November 21 at 6:30PM $55.50 Tickets on sale Saturday, October =
20 at 10AM Call for tickets: 800-NOW-AMEX BRIAN MCKNIGHT with TYRESE Sun=
rise Musical Theatre (Sunrise) Sunday, December 9 at 8PM $39.50 & $49.50 Ti=
ckets on sale Saturday, October 20 at 10AM Call for tickets: 800-NOW-AMEX =
LEO KOTTKE with KARLA BONOFF Tampa Theatre Saturday, January 19 at 8PM $2=
7.50 Tickets on sale Friday, October 19 at 10AM Call for tickets: 800-NOW-A=
MEX Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Florida presently on sal=
e. [IMAGE] Houston Return to Top [IMAGE] Click here to view all =
Gold Card Events in Houston presently on sale. [IMAGE] Los Angeles Ret=
A.ARIE & MYSTIC Wiltern Theatre Wednesday, November 28 at 8PM $32.50 Ticket=
s on sale Saturday, October 20 at 11AM Call for tickets: 213-365-AMEX TH=
OUSAND OAKS CIVIC ARTS PLAZA The following shows at Thousand Oaks Civic Art=
s Plaza go on sale Saturday, October 20 at 10AM. Please call 213-365-AMEX =
for tickets. B.B. KING Wednesday, November 28 at 8PM $60 SMOOTH JAZZ CHRI=
STMAS with DAVE KOZ Thursday, November 29 at 8PM $50 COLLIN RAYE Friday, N=
ovember 30 at 8PM $45 GALLAGHER Saturday, December 22 at 8PM $35 Click =
here to view all Gold Card Events in Los Angeles presently on sale. [IMA=
GE] New York Return to Top [IMAGE] BRITNEY SPEARS Special Guest O-T=
OWN Last 2 Days to Get Tickets Before the General Public! Don't miss your=
chance to take advantage of this special opportunity to get tickets before=
they're available to the general public to one of this year's most spectac=
ular concert events: Superstar Britney Spears, performing at Continental =
Airlines Arena and Madison Square Garden. Through this Friday, you can ge=
t prime tickets to one of today's hottest acts with an American Express Gol=
d Card, Platinum Card or Centurion Card. Act quickly before it's too late!=
Any remaining tickets go on sale to the public October 20. Continental A=
irlines Arena Sunday, December 2 Madison Square Garden Tuesday, December 4=
Tickets on sale now Call for tickets: 212-307-7171 A CHRISTMAS CAROL -=
THE MUSICAL Tim Curry stars as Scrooge in this enchanting production of th=
e classic tale. Theater at Madison Square Garden November 23 - December 27=
VIP Package $95 Tickets on sale now Call for tickets: 212-307-GOLD RADI=
Now more than ever, experience the warmth and magic of one of New York's m=
ost beloved holiday traditions. Radio City Music Hall
November 1 - December 30 $85 Tickets on sale now Call for tickets: 212-307=
-GOLD VIP Elite packages are still available for select performances of th=
e Radio City Christmas Spectacular. Package includes one of the best seats=
in the house, a private reception with special appearances by Rockettes an=
d Santa, a special gift bag and more! Packages are $275 per person. Call =
800-448-TIKS. WESTBURY MUSIC FAIR Please call 212-307-GOLD for tickets t=
o the following shows at Westbury Music Fair: TESLA: LIVE & RE-PLUGGED Fri=
day, December 7 at 8PM $37.50 Tickets on sale Saturday, October 20 at 12:30=
0:30PM $35 Tickets on sale now A TRIBUTE TO FRANK SINATRA: OLD BLUE EYES &=
FRIENDS with Special Guest THE NELSON RIDDLE ORCHESTRA Sunday, December 9 =
at 4PM $35 Tickets on sale Saturday, October 20 at 12:30PM Click here t=
o view all Gold Card Events in New York presently on sale. [IMAGE] Phi=
ladelphia Return to Top [IMAGE] BRIAN MCKNIGHT with TYRESE Tower Theat=
re (Upper Darby) Saturday, December 1 at 8PM $45 & $50 Tickets on sale Satu=
rday, October 20 at 10AM Call for tickets: 215-735-GOLD AMY GRANT & VINC=
E GILL: A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER First Union Center Friday, December 7 at 7:=
30PM $46 - $76 Tickets on sale Monday, October 22 at 10AM Call for tickets:=
215-735-GOLD Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Philadelphia p=
resently on sale. [IMAGE] Phoenix Return to Top [IMAGE] Click her=
e to view all Gold Card Events in Phoenix presently on sale. [IMAGE] =
St. Louis Return to Top [IMAGE] Click here to view all Gold Card Even=
ts in St. Louis presently on sale. [IMAGE] Washington, DC Return to To=
p [IMAGE] Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Washington, DC p=
resently on sale. [IMAGE] Other Cities Return to Top [IMAGE] San =
Francisco ACT presents JAMES JOYCE'S THE DEAD A musical based on the cele=
brated short story collection Dubliners by James Joyce and created by Tony =
and Oliver Award-winning playwright Richard Nelson. Geary Theater October =
25 - November 9 $14 - $59 Tickets on sale now Call for tickets: 415-749-2AC=
Opera's Verdi Celebration continues with this timeless masterpiece of love =
and betrayal. War Memorial Opera House November 1 - November 24 $90 & $121=
Tickets on sale now Call for tickets: 415-864-3330 =09
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Please note that unless otherwise noted, orders for these=
events will not be accepted via e-mail. If you are interested in purchasin=
g tickets for any event, please call the number listed by that event. The G=
old Card Events program is available to American Express Gold Card, Platin=
um Card
, Centurion(SM) Card, Small Business Services Corporate Platinum Card and E=
xecutive Corporate Card members. For information on all Gold Card Events v=
isit the American Express(R) website . All tickets subject to availability =
and prior group sales and all orders subject to applicable service charges.=
These offers do not apply to the American Express Gold Corporate Card, Op=
tima(R) Platinum Card(R), or Gold Optima Card. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] T=
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ou do not wish to receive future e-mail offers from American Express Gold C=
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"REMOVE" and include jshankm@enron.com in the subject line. Please allow 4=
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o Top American Express =09