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Return-Path: <LarryGoldberg@chi-caritas.org< Received: from smtp.chi-caritas.local ([]) by imf20bis.bellsouth.net (InterMail vM. 201-252-104) with ESMTP id <20011107024201.WRQE15155.imf20bis.bellsouth.net@smtp.chi-caritas.local< for <lgoldb@bellsouth.net<; Tue, 6 Nov 2001 21:42:01 -0500 Received: by selsvmsx01.chi-caritas.local with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) id <WCM3C1PB<; Tue, 6 Nov 2001 21:30:29 -0500 Message-ID: <13B7E55B253DD21182470008C7FA0A141B1560@selsvmsx01.chi-caritas.local< From: "Goldberg, Larry" <LarryGoldberg@chi-caritas.org< To: 'Lawrence Goldberg' <lgoldb@bellsouth.net< Subject: FW: CNN reporting Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 21:30:29 -0500 Return-Receipt-To: "Goldberg, Larry" <LarryGoldberg@chi-caritas.org< MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" X-Mozilla-Status2: 00800000 -----Original Message----- From: Al_Rosckes [mailto:Al_Rosckes@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 5:30 PM To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: Fw: CNN reporting ----- Original Message ----- From: David Teschner <mailto:dtesc0148@home.com< To: Ted Tibi Benyoyovits <mailto:autovgrv@vgrooving.com< ; Ryan <mailto:r_teschner@hotmail.com< Teschner ; Mordi Erwin <mailto:erwinh@att.net< Helinger ; Miri Teschner <mailto:miriteschner@yahoo.com< ; Liz Tick <mailto:liz_tick@hotmail.com< ; Harry Zur <mailto:inconserv@sympatico.ca< ; Haim Klement <mailto:hklement1@cs.com< ; Dino and Gila <mailto:DGlatstein@aol.com< Glatstein ; david <mailto:dmeranda@home.com< meranda ; Dan Kellermann <mailto:dansigal@actcom.co.il< ; Avri Robert Shacham <mailto:avri@iiclub.co.il< ; Avraham <mailto:klein55@netvision.net.il< & Lea Klein Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 11:28 AM Subject: CNN reporting The following was forwarded to me by a Chicago cousin. < < I don't know who originated it or to whom the "we" < < refers, as in "We would like to ask all the people." < < That aside, there is validity to the charges of bias < < and lack of even-handedness of CNN in its mid-east < < reporting. It is being sent in its entirety. < < Read on... < < -sjb < < < < < < < < For the last few years we have watched CNN's < < unbalanced, pro Arab coverage of the Middle-East < < conflict. This fact may (or may not) explain CNN's < < biased coverage: Saudi Prince Alaweed bin Tabel bin < < Abdel Aziz al Saud (the one who offered NY Mayor < < Giuliani 10 million) has 16 billion invested in < < American companies, including 932 million in CNN's < < parent - AOLTime Warner. (Oct 22 Time Mag, pg 22). < < JR < < < < Through the years CNN has pushed a pro Arab, Anti < < Israel agenda, by giving Arab representatives more < < airtime, by selectively reporting on Palestinian < < casualties while ignoring the ones on the Israeli < < side. < < < < CNN also (more frequently than not) uses active text < < when Palestinians are killed: "Israelis killed < < Palestinians", and passive text when Israelis are < < killed: " Israelis were killed" (not mentioning that < < they were killed by Palestinians). < < < < Another example of CNN bias is their reporting of < < the frequent attacks by large groups of Palestinians < < against Israeli army posts with few soldiers in them. < < The soldiers have two choices-get lynched like the < < ones the Palestinians lynched in Ramalla, or defend < < themselves. While defending themselves, they kill a < < few of the attackers. CNN headline will usually read < < something like "Israeli soldiers shoot and kill five < < Palestinians." < < CNN does not report that the Palestinians caused the < < incident. < < < < CNN has also failed to report that following the < < September 11 tragedy, the Palestinian Authority < < confiscated reporter's tapes that showed Palestinians < < celebrating in the streets the deaths of thousands of < < Americans. The Palestinian authority also threatened < < reporters, and told them that they cannot guarantee < < their safety if they continue to reports these < < celebrations. < < < < And CNN has taken to calling the terrorists who < < destroyed the WTC buildings and hit the Pentagon < < "suspected hijackers". JR (verified) (Reuters has done < < the same - responding to pressure from the Arabs and < < out of fear for their Middle East reporters' safety). < < < < Until recently, there was no any alternative to CNN, < < and therefore we all watched it. Now FOX NEWS has 24 < < hours a day service. The coverage is much more < < balanced, honest and fair. Israeli representatives < < are given equal time to express their side, and the < < news reporters are much more objective in their < < comments. < < < < We would like to ask all the people who care about < < Israel, about fairness, truth and honest reporting to < < BOYCOTT CNN and start watching FOX NEWS. < < You might also want to write to CNN and tell them < < what you are doing and why. It would also be a good < < idea to write to the companies that advertise with < < CNN, and ask them to stop supporting such a biased < < organization. < < < < Please forward