Enron Mail

To:amy.eagle@sf.ddbn.com, kevin_brodbeck@powderject.com, mary.brodbeck@rhii.com,sbrooks@1800mondays.com, camille.may@udvna.com, clayton.chan@springstreet.com, schan@iprint.com, charles.albert@alza.com, kcieslak@ea.com, daniel_costello2@intuit.com, ics0
Subject:It's a menina...
Date:Sat, 3 Feb 2001 07:13:00 -0800 (PST)

Hi All:

Here's a picture of Quinn Isabel Costello, born on Sunday January 28th in Sao
Paulo, Brasil and weighing in at 3.1 kg (@6.5 lbs) and 50 cm (@19.5 inches).

All three of us will be in the US for a visit sometime this summer (as soon
as Quinn gets her US and Brasilian passorts :), and we hope to see many of
you then.

In the meantime, please e-mail us with news about all of you in the outside
adult world -- we probably won't be getting out much for a couple of weeks...
(*Please e-mail stefanie at her new address above.)


Stefanie and Michael