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Enron Mail |
---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 10:59 AM --------------------------- Cheryl Blissitte <bliss@camh.org< on 01/08/2001 05:22:41 AM Please respond to Cheryl Blissitte <bliss@camh.org< To: Edward Allen <eallen@eagleglobal.com<, Bernard Arocha <barocha@msn.com<, Ellie Beard <ecabeard@aol.com<, Toni Beauchamp <TONIBEAUCHAMP@YAHOO.COM<, Fran Berg <fberg@swbell.net<, Deborah Brochstein <deborah@brochsteins.com<, Brad Bucher <brad@gcchem.com<, Jeff Daly <jeffrey.daly@gs.com<, Chadwick Dodd <cdodd@Jwortham.com<, Sara Dodd <sfpdodd@aol.com<, Stephen Finley <steve.finley@bakerhughes.com<, Heidi Gerger <HMG60@aol.com<, William Goldberg <wgoldberg@kpmg.com<, John Guess <jfguess@usa.net<, Dana Harper <danarharper@aol.com<, Rachel Hecker <ritexdog@aol.com<, Bruce Herzog <bherzog@genesis-park.com<, Louise Jamail <RobotRob@aol.com<, Jill Jewett <TheJewetts@msn.com<, Leonard Jones <ljones@rfp-co.com<, "I.H. Kempner III" <ihkempner@imperialsugar.com<, Carmen Knapp <sailby2@aol.com<, Elwyn Lee <ECLee@uh.edu<, Marley Lott <marley_lott@bakerbotts.com<, Ginni Mithoff <gmithoff@infohwy.com<, Angela Myres <asmyres@msn.com<, Evi Newar <EviNew@aol.com<, Roy Nolen <roy.nolen@bakerbotts.com<, Robert Palmquist <robert.p.palmquist@us.arthurandersen.com<, Annise Parker <aparker@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us<, Jeff Shankman <jshankm@enron.com<, Charles Smith <RSMCES@aol.com<, Reginald Smith <rsmith@kslaw.com<, Stephen Susman <ssusman@susmangodfrey.com<, Laura Walls <lmorwalls@aol.com<, Kenneth Williams <kmwilliams@frostbank.com<, Michael Zilkha <michael@zilkha.com< cc: Subject: Dear Member of CAM Board of Trustees, You may recall that several weeks ago we surveyed the Board members to determine preferences regarding Board meeting times. We did this because we have had several discussions with members who have great difficulty with the 4 pm or 4:30 pm meeting time. Since the Board appears to be fairly evenly split between a noon meeting time and a late afternoon meeting time (10 definitely prefer Noon; 10 definitely prefer late afternoon; and 20 have no strong preference), we have decided to try alternating the meetings. Therefore, our next full board meeting, which is currently scheduled for Monday, January 22 at 4 pm, will instead take place Monday, January 22 at NOON (March meeting will take place at 4 pm). Please note this change on your calendar and advise Cheryl Blissitte by email, phone (713.284.8253) or fax (713.284.8275), whether or not you will be attending. This is especially important as we will order sandwiches for this Noon meeting. Thanks. Marti