Enron Mail

To:gary.hickerson@enron.com, george.mcclellan@enron.com,kevin.mcgowan@enron.com, john.massey@enron.com, daniel.reck@enron.com, matthew.arnold@enron.com, l..miller@enron.com, christopher.kravas@enron.com, per.sekse@enron.com, jason.paterniti@enron.com,
Subject:AA Interviews - Additional Info
Cc:a..shankman@enron.com, c..bland@enron.com, jennifer.burns@enron.com,cathy.phillips@enron.com, shanna.funkhouser@enron.com
Bcc:a..shankman@enron.com, c..bland@enron.com, jennifer.burns@enron.com,cathy.phillips@enron.com, shanna.funkhouser@enron.com
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 11:46:44 -0700 (PDT)

As Jennifer informed you earlier, we are seeking EGM support for the upcoming Associate and Analyst interviewing opportunities. I hope that you or members of your teams will find time to attend one or more events. EGM has 75 Associates and Analysts and with projected growth that number is sure to rapidly increase. By participating in these interviewing opportunities you will become key to the selection process that will ultimately become your talent pool. In each Decision Meeting we will also track which business units/departments wish to bring a certain candidate into their area. This will give you the chance to hand-pick your new talent. Please confirm to me via e-mail the dates your team members will participate.

Nov 3 (Saturday) - Associates
Schools - UCLA, Michigan, UT, Georgetown, Darden, Rice, Owen, Tulane, Cal Berkeley, Wash - STL, A&M

Nov 16 (Friday) - Analysts
Schools - UT, Howard, AUC, OU, Penn, LSU, LA Tech, UH, Clark Atlanta, Michigan

Dec 1 (Saturday) - Associates
Schools - Harvard, Columbia, Kellogg, NYU, Chicago, Wharton, Howard MBA, Yale, Thunderbird, Stern, MIT, Cornell, Duke, SMU, UNC

Thanks -

Tana Cashion
EGM & EIM Career Development
Associate & Analyst Program