Enron Mail

To:mike.mcconnell@enron.com, a..shankman@enron.com
Subject:Enron Japan deal pipeline
Date:Wed, 10 Oct 2001 04:38:20 -0700 (PDT)


Attached is the updated EJ deal pipeline report following Joe's note below.=
This is updated daily by the Originators here, so excuse some rough edges.=
I believe we've made good progress in our 1st Qtr in EGM; progress on acce=
ssing a diverse universe of target EGM customers, identifying customer need=
s, building a deal list, advancing / closing out documentation, developing =
RAC's understanding of our business and now quoting firm prices. This repor=
t + the traction we're beginning to achieve in the market here supports the=
budget numbers you discussed with Joe earlier today.=20

To reflect the Sato initiative which we're running independently of the Ori=
gination focus, separate pages reflecting this have been added.

Happy to take questions.

Regards - Jeremy

-----Original Message-----
From: Hirl, Joseph=20
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 6:00 PM
To: Mcconnell, Mike; Shankman, Jeffrey A.
Subject: Sato MOU and Deal List

Jeremy will be sending you the updated internal deal list to give you a fee=
l for the types of things we are working on and where we stand. We'd like t=
o discuss this further with you. I think you will see from the types of tra=
nsactions and the relative value that the 2002 plan numbers are not unreali=
stic. However, in order to achieve these numbers will require some strong s=
upport from Houston and additional expat staff. We have focused on reasonab=
leness of the size of transactions that we are seeing to date and what we w=
ould additionally plan to see. We have also focused on trying to do more wi=
th less (Sato proposition) and shooting for just north of break even. Addit=
ionally, I am under the belief that you are stretching all of the groups an=
d anything less than covering costs would not be acceptable. While Sato wou=
ld not be required to achieve these numbers, it would certainly be easier w=
ith them. (... don't mean for this to be interpreted that we should have hi=
gher numbers with Sato...).=20
We'd like to set a time to speak with you about Sato MOU your Thursday (our=
Friday). Our 0730 is your 1730. Would this work for you?=20