Enron Mail

Subject:Re: requested pix from Mondo Cane-REPLY
Date:Tue, 27 Nov 2001 10:33:47 -0800 (PST)

SOOoo sorry! We got 1 number wrong- here is the right #
tracking # 1z 150 x09 03 3938 7473
Let's us know if we can help out with anything else.
Greg Wooten
Patrick Parrish
Mondo Cane
143 West 22nd Street
New York, New York 10011
1.646.486.7615 Fax

< From: Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com
< Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 16:47:36 -0600
< To: mondomodern@earthlink.net
< Subject: RE: requested pix from Mondo Cane
< Hi Guys,
< I tried checking the tracking number, and it doesn't appear to be a valid
< number. Can you check the number and send it to me so I can check.
< Thanks...Jeff
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Mondo Cane <mondomodern@earthlink.net<@ENRON
< Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:38 AM
< To: Shankman, Jeffrey A.
< Subject: Re: requested pix from Mondo Cane
< Hi Jeff,
< Your lamp was picked up by UPS on Friday, November 16. It is traveling
< Ground (tracking # 1z 150 x09 03 3938 7453). With the holiday week, I
< would
< expect you'll get it just post-Thanksgiving. Let us know if we can do
< anything else. Have a great holiday.
< best, Greg
< --
< Greg Wooten
< Patrick Parrish
< Mondo Cane
< 143 West 22nd Street
< New York, New York 10011
< 1.646.486.7616
< 1.646.486.7615 Fax
<< From: Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com
<< Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 14:23:54 -0600
<< To: mondomodern@earthlink.net
<< Subject: RE: requested pix from Mondo Cane
<< Hi guys,
<< I'd like to get the shipping info on the light fixture so I know when
< to
<< expect it due to the holiday.
<< See you soon,
<< Jeff Shankman
<< -----Original Message-----
<< From: Mondo Cane <mondomodern@earthlink.net<@ENRON
<< Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 4:40 PM
<< To: Shankman, Jeffrey A.
<< Subject: requested pix from Mondo Cane
<< Hey Jeff: Here are the photos of the James Mont settees and the Gio
<< Ponti
<< enamel you requested at the Modernism show.
<< The zigzag lamp is being packed and will be on its way via UPS by
<< Thursday,
<< and your receipt is in the mail.
<< Pair James Mont settees:
<< Dimensions: 54" w x 32" deep x 26.5" high
<< Price: $17,000.00
<< Gio Ponti for Del Campo enamel:
<< Dimensions: 12.5" long x 5" deep x .75" high
<< Price: $850.00
<< Please let us know if you have any questions. Hope we see you again
< soon
<< in
<< New York!
<< Becca
<< --
<< Greg Wooten
<< Patrick Parrish
<< Mondo Cane
<< 143 West 22nd Street
<< New York, New York 10011
<< 1.646.486.7616
<< 1.646.486.7615 Fax
<< - Mont settees 3.JPG copy << File: Mont settees 3.JPG copy <<
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