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is this on the calendar?
---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 11/07/2000 09:30 AM --------------------------- Cheryl Blissitte <bliss@camh.org< on 11/01/2000 09:54:17 AM Please respond to Cheryl Blissitte <bliss@camh.org< To: Edward Allen <eallen@eagleglobal.com<, Bernard Arocha <barocha@msn.com<, Ellie Beard <ecabeard@aol.com<, Toni Beauchamp <TONIBEAUCHAMP@YAHOO.COM<, Fran Berg <fberg@swbell.net<, Deborah Brochstein <deborah@brochsteins.com<, Brad Bucher <brad@gcchem.com<, Jeff Daly <jeffrey.daly@gs.com<, Chadwick Dodd <cdodd@Jwortham.com<, Sara Dodd <sfpdodd@aol.com<, Stephen Finley <steve.finley@bakerhughes.com<, Heidi Gerger <HMG60@aol.com<, William Goldberg <wgoldberg@kpmg.com<, John Guess <jfguess@usa.net<, Dana Harper <danarharper@aol.com<, Rachel Hecker <ritexdog@aol.com<, Bruce Herzog <bherzog@velaw.com<, Louise Jamail <RobotRob@aol.com<, Jill Jewett <TheJewetts@msn.com<, Leonard Jones <ljones@rfp-co.com<, "I.H. Kempner III" <ihkempner@imperialsugar.com<, Carmen Knapp <sailby2@aol.com<, Elwyn Lee <ECLee@uh.edu<, Marley Lott <marley_lott@bakerbotts.com<, Ginni Mithoff <gmithoff@infohwy.com<, Evi Newar <EviNew@aol.com<, Roy Nolen <roy.nolen@bakerbotts.com<, Robert Palmquist <robert.p.palmquist@us.arthurandersen.com<, Annise Parker <aparker@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us<, Jeff Shankman <jshankm@enron.com<, Charles Smith <RSMCES@aol.com<, Reginald Smith <rsmith@kslaw.com<, Stephen Susman <ssusman@susmangodfrey.com<, Laura Walls <lmorwalls@aol.com<, Kenneth Williams <kmwilliams@frostbank.com<, Michael Zilkha <michael@zilkha.com< cc: Subject: Marti asked me to poll the Board to see if there is a strong preference for meeting at a different time of the day than we have previously been meeting. Board meetings would still have to be scheduled for Mondays, since the Museum is closed to the public on that day, but could you indicate below if you would like to keep the meeting at 4 pm or possibly change it to Noon: I would prefer that Board meetings be scheduled for Noon I would prefer that Board meetings be scheduled for 4 pm The results of the poll will be discussed at the November 20 meeting (still scheduled for 4 pm in Cullen).