Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Buildscape Strategic Opportunity
Date:Thu, 22 Feb 2001 07:55:00 -0800 (PST)

Jennifer is my asst, and will be out tomorrow, as will I. I will have her
check first thing monday a.m. with mark's asst.


"Guarino, Carlo (C)" <cguarino@dow.com<
02/22/2001 03:48 PM

To: "'Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com'" <Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com<
Subject: RE: Buildscape Strategic Opportunity

Jeff, I tried to contact Jennifer Burn regarding Mark Fievert's availability
for April 27th and May 11th and I understand that she is out of the office .
I am meeting with Pedro Reinhard on monday around the planning for your trip
to midland and it would be good to know if Mark is joining you on the trip.

Best Regards,

Carlo Guarino
Global Development Director
Dow Growth Center

Office (517) 636-0860 / Mobile (313)655-7553
Fax (517) 636-1453
Internet address: CGuarino@dow.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Guarino, Carlo (C)
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 4:34 PM
To: 'Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com'
Subject: RE: Buildscape Strategic Opportunity

Jeff, I think this is a good potential. We are going to setup for you to
meet with Arnold Allemang - VP of Operations to discuss this option.

Best Regards,

Carlo Guarino
Global Development Director
Dow Growth Center

Office (517) 636-0860 / Mobile (313)655-7553
Fax (517) 636-1453
Internet address: CGuarino@dow.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com [mailto:Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 4:26 PM
To: cguarino@dow.com
Subject: RE: Buildscape Strategic Opportunity

Something else you may consider as a topic for our April/May meeting: have
you guys looked at outsourcing your entire energy needs (gas and power in
particular). We have been very successful in helping customers save quite
a bit of money on their energy expense, and as you see in today's power and
gas markets, that can be extremely valuable...




Carlo (C)" To:
<cguarino@dow <Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com<

.com< cc:

Subject: RE: Buildscape
Strategic Opportunity

03:13 PM

Jeff, thanks for your help on the introduction and follow up. I'll let you
know how we go and if we do come to Houston shortly I'll let you know when.
Talk to you soon.

Best Regards,

Carlo Guarino
Global Development Director
Dow Growth Center

Office (517) 636-0860 / Mobile (313)655-7553
Fax (517) 636-1453
Internet address: CGuarino@dow.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com [mailto:Jeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 3:09 PM
To: cguarino@dow.com
Subject: Re: Buildscape Strategic Opportunity

I have forwarded your info to both Philippe Bibi, CEO of Enron
Networks--the group responsible for our Enron Online site, and to Ray
Bowen, COO of Enron Industrial Markets--the group responsible for

Best Regards,
