Enron Mail

To:mike.mcconnell@enron.com, carrie.robert@enron.com
Subject:RE: Feedback on Enron Guest speaker for Global operations meeting
Date:Mon, 29 Jan 2001 01:35:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Jeffrey A Shankman
X-To: Mike McConnell, Carrie A Robert
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Please keep Mike and I informed. If there is anything we can do to help,
please let us know. They should be a very important customer for us. John
Nowlan also has info on them. Thanks.

----- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 01/29/2001 09:33 AM -----

experience Enron@ENRON
Sent by: Carrie A Robert@ENRON
01/29/2001 09:23 AM

To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: RE: Feedback on Enron Guest speaker for Global operations meeting

Below is feedback from Dow on the presentation that Mark Palmer did on 1/24
to Dow's global operations leaders. It was a big success. Mark will be
debriefing Jeff Skilling on the presentation and what they discussed. Jeff
Skilling is to meet with Mike Parker, President and CEO Dow Chemical in late
April to discuss how Enron and Dow can work more closely together. Let me
know if you need further information from me.

Thank you.
---------------------- Forwarded by Carrie A Robert/NA/Enron on 01/29/2001
09:17 AM ---------------------------

"Lamm, Rudolf (RL)" <RLLamm@dow.com<
01/25/2001 01:19 PM

To: "'Carrie.A.Robert@enron.com'" <Carrie.A.Robert@enron.com<
Subject: RE: Feedback on Enron Guest speaker for Global operations meeting

Dear Carrie,

first of all thanks for your patience and support !

Mark was "worldclass" ! After the meeting we collected feedback, where we
asked the participants for the presentations which exceeded the
expectations....and "Enron" was clearly number one !

So it was the subject itself, but also Mark as a speaker ! Your choice was
absolutely to the "point" !

Our company has agressive goals in terms of revenue growth...and all these
guys, who were in this room have somehow to do with it.
I think the Enron case just opened up a field of ideas and thinking to break
with our traditional business frame.

So it was exactly the right time.

Again, I can only say thank you for a great presentation and a great speaker

Please let Mark know, how well he did !

best regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Carrie.A.Robert@enron.com [mailto:Carrie.A.Robert@enron.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 1:14 PM
To: Lamm, Rudolf (RL)
Subject: Feedback on Enron Guest speaker for Global operations meeting

Rudolf - I hope the Dow Chemical Operations Leadership Conference went
well. Thank you for inviting Enron as a guest speaker. Please let me
know if the presentation and Mark Palmer met your audience expectations.

Thank you for your feedback.