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Enron Mail |
----- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2001 10:25 AM ----- halley k harrisburg <hkh@michaelrosenfeldglry.com< 02/22/2001 10:16 AM To: Beth Miller <beth.miller@yale.edu<, Caren Polner <caren@cp-design.com<, Jeff Shankman <Jeff.Shankman@enron.com<, Karlyn <main@michaelrosenfeldglry.com<, Nathaniel Jeppson <Njeppson@ALLENCO.COM<, Nina Meledandre <pirondelle@aol.com< cc: Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: Virus Alert] ----- Message from Judy Miller <vpa@earthlink.net< on Wed, 21 Feb 2001 19:47:12 +0000 ----- To: Beth Pinard <Magclbeth@aol.com<, David Leonard <pfc2000@bellatlantic.net<, "Elke (work)" <EGoldstein@SAI.Shiseido.com<, Gina Ianuzzi <gmqi@aol.com<, halley k harrisburg <hkh@michaelrosenfeldglry.com<, Gary Miller <garymiller33@aol.com<, Jeff Golub <jeffreyg15@aol.com<, Jennifer Levy <jklasong@aol.com<, Lea DiPerna <ldiperna@hotmail.com<, Lisa Nocera <lmnocera@hotmail.com<, Mark Ramsey <NewYorkMTR@aol.com<, Mary Borges <Pretennda@aol.com<, MaryAnn Price <mprice@phtl.com<, Melissa & Tom Kowall <kowall97@earthlink.net<, Maureen Rodriguez <disneymo@hotmail.com<, "Mike Marosy (home)" <mmarosy@hotmail.com<, Mrs Nocera <leonoren@aol.com<, Nick Gold <nickgold@entertainmenttvl.com<, Steve Conte <Thnderdog@aol.com<, Steve Gaboury <LivewireSG@escape.com<, Steve Postel <StevePostell@aol.com<, Suzy Cline <EXCBSer@aol.com<, Thayme Woelfl <ThaymeW@aol.com<, Victoria Newland Sofge <victoria@paradiseartists.com<, Wees <weegoofy@frontiernet.net< cc: Carole Kowall <CDKowall@cs.com< Subject: Re: Fwd: Virus Alert < < < < < < < << Virus Alert < < < < <<<< < < < <<<<A new virus has just been < discovered that has been classified < by < < < < <<<<Microsoft (www.microsoft.com) and by McAfee < (www.mcafee.com) < as < < < < <<<<the most destructive ever! This virus was < discovered < yesterday < < < < <<<<afternoon by McAfee and no vaccine has yet < been developed. < This < < < < <<<<virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the < hard disk, where < vital < < < < <<<<information for its functioning are stored. < This virus acts < in the < < < < <<<<following manner: It sends itself < automatically to all < contacts < < < < <<<<on your list with the title "A Virtual Card < for You". As soon < as < < < < <<<<the supposed virtual card is opened, the < computer freezes so < that < < < < <<<<the user has to reboot. When the < ctrl+alt+del keys or the < reset < < < < <<<<button are pressed, the virus destroys < Sector Zero, thus < < < < <<<<permanently destroying the hard disk. < < < < <<<<Yesterday in just a few hours this virus < caused panic in New < York, < < < < <<<<according to news broadcast by CNN < (www.cnn.com). This alert < was < < < < <<<<received by an employee of Microsoft itself. < So don't open < any < < < < <<<<mails with subject "A Virtual Card for You". < As soon as you < get < < < < <<<<the mail, delete it. Please pass on this < mail to all your < friends. < < < < <<<<Forward this to everyone in your address < book. I would rather < < < < <<<<receive this 25 times than not at all. < < < < <<<<Also: Intel announced that a new and very < destructive virus < was < < < < <<<<discovered recently. If you receive an email < called "An < Internet < < < < <<<<Flower For You", do not open it. Delete it < right away! This < virus < < < < <<<<removes all dynamic link libraries(.dll < files) from your < computer. < < < < <<<<Your computer will not be able to boot up.