Enron Mail

Subject:FW: 2002 Corporate Allocations - Revision #1
Date:Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:18:25 -0700 (PDT)

Stephen - Rick Shapiro has revised his allocation to Enron Europe to $100,000 as of Wednesday. The new amount will be reflected when your allocation spreadsheets are updated.

Please contact me or Rick if you need any further information.


-----Original Message-----
From: Derr, Dawn
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:50 PM
To: Wood, Stephen
Cc: Obrecht, Paulette; Rice, Greek; Clayton, Paul; Davis, Jonathan; Schlaudraff, Christine; Linnell, Elizabeth; Brown, Suzanne; Aulds, Sharon
Subject: RE: 2002 Corporate Allocations - Revision #1


Here are the contacts for the different groups that are allocating to Europe in 2002. Please contact them with regard to details.

Legal Paulette Obrecht
Tax Greek Rice
Risk Mgmt Paul Clayton
Risk Mgmt Jonathan Davis (Political Risk Insurance)
ISC/SAP Chris Schlaudraff
Public Affairs Elizabeth Linnell
HR Suzanne Brown
Compensation Sharon Aulds

Let me know if you need anything else.


Note: If you need to speak to the RAC contact, his name is Kevin Jolly.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wood, Stephen
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:02 PM
To: Derr, Dawn
Cc: Lane, Suzanne
Subject: RE: 2002 Corporate Allocations - Revision #1

Dawn, at present Europe has not recieved sufficient information from the various Cost Centre heads to accept the below. The only cost we agree are the RAC cost.

Stephen x34738
-----Original Message-----
From: Derr, Dawn
Sent: 07 September 2001 23:28
To: Geaccone, Tracy; Killen, Faith; Lee, Dana; Massey, Rachel; Smith, Kirk; Wood, Stephen; Copeland, Erin; Selzer, Howard; Pritt, Deborah; Stevens, Kirk; Schwertner, Brian; Galvan, Michael S.; Roper, Kerry; Myers, Thomas; Smith, Jeff E.; Ueckert, Allen W.; Tran, Agatha; Kaster, Mei-Ling
Cc: West, Terry
Subject: 2002 Corporate Allocations - Revision #1

Attached is the revised Corporate Allocation worksheet. Corporate cost center budgets will be reviewed with senior management on Tuesday, Sept. 11. We do not expect significant changes to the allocations, and any additional changes will be communicated to you for inclusion in your business unit's plan.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


<< File: Corp_2002_Alloc_2.xls <<