Enron Mail

To:luiz.maurer@enron.com, harry.kingerski@enron.com, amr.ibrahim@enron.com
Subject:Argentine Power Market - Presentation before the Secretariat of
Date:Thu, 12 Jul 2001 09:20:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: michael.guerriero@enron.com, andrea.calo@enron.com, julian.poole@enron.com,
richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com,
sergio.assad@enron.com, jose.bestard@enron.com
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Bcc: michael.guerriero@enron.com, andrea.calo@enron.com, julian.poole@enron.com,
richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com,
sergio.assad@enron.com, jose.bestard@enron.com
X-From: Guillermo Canovas
X-To: Luiz Maurer, Harry Kingerski, Amr Ibrahim
X-cc: Michael Guerriero, Andrea Calo, Julian Poole, Richard Shapiro, James D Steffes, Sergio Assad, Jose Bestard
X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_Nov2001\Notes Folders\All documents
X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf

I had a conference call with Michael Guerriero, Juli?n Poole and Andrea Calo
regarding the information Enron must submit to ACEERA, the power marketers
association, next Monday morning, to be included in ACEERA's presentation to
the Secretariat of Energy.
I will make the first draft of the information we will submit next Monday
morning, that will cover points 9 to 13 below. My draft must be ready
tomorrow afternoon.
In order to do it, I will apreciate if you could give material to support the
following main guidelines (in blue) we would follow.
The material could include papers, letters, documents, and international
examples I could mention, explaining the benefits of following these criteria
and how should they be implemented.

9. Criteria for the treatment of Marketers' activities.
They are not a public service
Marketers should daily declare their offered prices (as gencos) for their
forcasted firm supply to be included in the determination of daily dispatch
and spot prices. This could reduce the supply concentration.
Warranties required to Marketers. All players in the spot market should
present similar warranties.
Right to interrupt the service for customer default. How can this be
It should be allowed to act as both marketers or brokers.

10. Criteria for the treatment of large users.
All gencos, marketers, distcos and large users must be authorized to be both
the buyer and seller in the foward contracts market

11. Criteria for the treatment of supply contracts.

12. Criteria for transferring to end users market prices.
Possibility to include in the pass through the cost of hedging products. Did
we get this approved anywhere in USA? Where? How is the pass through done
Full unbundling is better than pass through, since prices can be determined
by supply and demand

13. Criteria for functioning of the forward market.
All gencos, marketers, distcos and large users must be authorized to be both
the buyer and seller in the foward contracts market
Elimination of minimum terms and volumes in this market
Free prices and conditions
Forward market contracts do not require former aproval to be executed.
Only LDC's contracts to be included in the pass through to rates should be
subject to regulation.

And any other point you consider relevant to make related to these subjects

I will appreciate any information you could give me as soon as possible.

---------------------- Forwarded by Guillermo Canovas/SA/Enron on 07/12/2001
01:48 PM ---------------------------
From: Amr Ibrahim@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 07/11/2001 12:15 PM CDT
To: Guillermo Canovas/SA/Enron@Enron, Luis Maurer/ENRON@enronXgate, Michael
Guerriero/SA/Enron@Enron, Julian Poole/SA/Enron@Enron, Harry
Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, Andrea Calo/SA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Argentine Power Market - Regulatory Changes


After a discussion with Michael and Julian, they see that it is more
effective to concentrate our efforts on providing comments (and language if
possible) to the points highlighted in Red below. They also agreed in
interpreting the term "Criteria" as "Is the suggested language in the
reglemento is in favour of our generation and marketing activity? If not what
is the suggested alternative".

He shall contact you shortly to confirm this message and agree on the time
framework which is likely be this coming Monday.

Please let me know if you have any question taking into consideration that I
can provide examples from CA systems.


----- Forwarded by Amr Ibrahim/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 07/11/2001 11:59 AM -----

Andrea Calo@ENRON
07/11/2001 08:20 AM

To: Guillermo Canovas/SA/Enron@Enron, Amr
cc: Michael Guerriero/SA/Enron@Enron, Julian Poole/SA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Argentine Power Market - Regulatory Changes

FYI. Pursuant to yesterday's meeting with the Secretary of Energy, and in
order to contribute information that could assist the SE on the final
drafting of the regulatory resolution, all market participants were asked to
comment on Decree 804 and Res. 135 before July 18, emphasizing on the
following points:

1. Criteria for Dispatch Rules

2. Criteria for Operation Rules in real time and forced generation.

3. Criteria for treatment of ancillary services necessary for the system's
technical operations.

4. Criteria for payment of high tension transmission.

5. Criteria for payment of services rendered by the Distcos and the PAFTT
(prestaci?n adicional de la funci?n t,cnica de transporte).

6. Criteria for implementing Congestion Rights.

7. Criteria for defining Reliability Works.

8. Criteria for the general and specific transportation rules.

9. Criteria for the treatment of Marketers' activities.

10. Criteria for the treatment of large users.

11. Criteria for the treatment of supply contracts.

12. Criteria for transferring to end users market prices.

13. Criteria for functioning of the forward market.

