Enron Mail

To:james.steffes@enron.com, christi.nicolay@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com,dave.perrino@enron.com, alan.comnes@enron.com
Subject:Broad Coalition Supports Electric Reliability Legislation
Cc:richard.shapiro@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com, mbennett@epsa.org,jsimon@epsa.org
Bcc:richard.shapiro@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com, mbennett@epsa.org,jsimon@epsa.org
Date:Wed, 20 Jun 2001 01:21:00 -0700 (PDT)

This NERC announcement references that FERC would designate the new electric
reliability organization. In yesterday's FERC Technical Conference on
Inter-RTO Seams, several of the Commissioners asked whether GISB and EISB
were appropriate forums for the establishment of commercial/market business
---------------------- Forwarded by Charles Yeung/HOU/ECT on 06/20/2001 08:12
AM ---------------------------

"Heather Gibbs" <Heather.Gibbs@nerc.net< on 06/19/2001 09:13:31 AM
To: <heather@nerc.com<

Subject: Broad Coalition Supports Electric Reliability Legislation


The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) and a broad-based
coalition of electric industry and state organizations urged members of
Congress and other key energy officials to support prompt passage of
federal legislation to promote and ensure the continued reliability of
high-voltage electric transmission systems in the United States and
throughout North America. In letters to DOE Secretary Abraham, members
of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Representatives
Tauzin, Dingell, Barton and Boucher, and FERC Chairman Hebert, the
coalition stated that "It is critically important for Congress to act on
reliability legislation as soon as possible. It will take many months
after legislation is enacted for FERC to adopt implementing rules and
designate the new electric reliability organization that the legislation
provides for. In the meantime, consumers are exposed to increased risk
of failure of the transmission grid as more and more demands are placed
upon it."

For your convenience, a copy of the press release announcing the
coalition's support is shown below.

A copy is also posted on the following NERC web site:

If you have any questions, let me know.


Heather Gibbs

Contacts: Ellen P. Vancko
evancko@nerc.com or
Eugene F. Gorzelnik

June 19, 2001

Broad Coalition Supports Electric Reliability Legislation

The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) and a broad-based
coalition of electric industry and state organizations urged members of
Congress and other key energy officials to support prompt passage of
federal legislation to promote and ensure the continued reliability of
high-voltage electric transmission systems in the United States and
throughout North America. In letters to DOE Secretary Abraham, members
of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Representatives
Tauzin, Dingell, Barton and Boucher, and FERC Chairman Hebert, the
coalition stated that "It is critically important for Congress to act on
reliability legislation as soon as possible. It will take many months
after legislation is enacted for FERC to adopt implementing rules and
designate the new electric reliability organization that the legislation
provides for. In the meantime, consumers are exposed to increased risk
of failure of the transmission grid as more and more demands are placed
upon it."

For three decades, NERC and its member Regional Reliability Councils
have worked cooperatively and voluntarily to set reliability standards
for high-voltage transmission systems so that customers could enjoy
reliable electric service. As electricity markets become increasingly
competitive, this voluntary arrangement will no longer suffice and needs
to be transformed into a mandatory system to assure a continued reliable
supply of electricity to America's homes and businesses. "Congress must
act soon on reliability legislation," said Michehl R. Gent, NERC
President and CEO. "Enacting this legislation now is an important step
to ensure the continued reliability of the nation's high-voltage
electricity system, and one that should not wait."

Signing the letter are the North American Electric Reliability Council,
American Public Power Association, Canadian Electricity Association,
Edison Electric Institute, IEEE-USA, Large Public Power Council,
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, National
Association of State Energy Officials, National Association of State
Utility Consumer Advocates, National Electrical Manufacturers
Association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Northwest
Regional Transmission Association, Transmission Access Policy Study
Group, and the Western Interconnection Coordination Forum.

For more information on NERC or its transformation into NAERO, visit
NERC's web site (http://www.nerc.com/). The web site also includes
information on the electric industry's electricity supply and delivery
programs and activities.

NERC is a not-for-profit company formed as a result of the Northeast
blackout in 1965 to promote the reliability of the bulk electric systems
that serve North America. It works with all segments of the electric
industry as well as customers to "keep the lights on" by developing and
encouraging compliance with rules for the reliable operation of these
systems. NERC comprises ten Regional Reliability Councils that account
for virtually all the electricity supplied in the United States, Canada,
and a portion of Baja California Norte, Mexico.