Enron Mail

To:john.lavorato@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com
Subject:California Update 5/15/01
Cc:phillip.allen@enron.com, tim.belden@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,chris.gaskill@enron.com, mike.grigsby@enron.com, tim.heizenrader@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com, rob.milnthorp@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com, clau
Bcc:phillip.allen@enron.com, tim.belden@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,chris.gaskill@enron.com, mike.grigsby@enron.com, tim.heizenrader@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com, rob.milnthorp@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com, clau
Date:Tue, 15 May 2001 09:21:00 -0700 (PDT)

Executive Summary
? New Extraordinary session opened today
? Forbearance period extended for SoCal
? QFs placing liens on SoCal, moving them closer to bankruptcy
? MOU is dead. Nation's Plan B, an alternative to the MOU, will become a
bill tomorrow and is gaining interest from both sides of the House. SoCal
and Davis has yet to give their support.

New Extraordinary Session
Yesterday, the Senate and Assembly passed resolutions to close the
Extraordinary Session. All bills from the 1st session be introduced into the
2nd session as they were last amended, with the same bill number.

Forbearance Period Extended
Regarding the forbearance extended to SoCal by banker creditors, the parent
company's credit has been extended until 30 June. The utility's forbearance
is until 15 September.

QFs Placing Liens on SoCal's Assets
The QFs are placing liens against SoCal's assets (property or freezing its
bank assets). As a result, SoCal is moving ever closer to bankruptcy, maybe
as early as later next week. These actions on behalf of the QFs are added
incentives for the legislature to move quickly on an alternative to the MOU.

Alternative Plan to the MOU
The MOU for SoCal is essentially deal. There are a number of alternative
plans being proposed. The legislature held meetings last night on Democratic
Assemblyman Nation's Plan B alternative to the MOU. This plan is gaining
momentum. According to sources, Republican Assembly leader Cox has signed
off for people to work on the plan implying Republican interest. Senator
Burton's office also reported work on the same Plan B. Governor Davis'
office is aware of the plan but has yet to comment. There is also no word at
this time as to whether the Republican Senate leadership is in support of
Nation's Plan B.

Key details of the Nation plan include a $1.2 billion option for the state to
purchase SoCal's transmission assets. This money would be given to SoCal by
the state regardless of whether the option was exercised, a detail likely to
be unpopular with voters. The remainder of the undercollect, stated as $3.5
billion or an amount determined by PUC review, would be paid through
securitization of the undercollect by SoCal. Moreover, the utility would
sell the state additional power at a cost beyond the 10 years already agreed
upon in the memorandum-of-understanding and additional power from other
company sources. Sources report that the Nation plan also currently calls
for generators to take a 30% haircut.

The Nation Plan B will likely be introduced as a bill tomorrow and will
likely go through start the legislative process by early next week. The next
scheduled floor session is Thursday; we should be able to tell how fast the
legislature intends to move the bill. There is no indication whether SoCal
Edison would agree to the Nation plan. Sources believe it is likely that
SoCal would object to at least some of the plan's provisions (for example, a
PUC audit of SoCal's debt amount to determine the direct rate component to
pay for the undercollect). SoCal is very much at odds with the PUC and
wishes them to play as little role as possible. If SoCal does ultimately
agree to the plan, the state reportedly may offer a similar deal to PG&E.