Enron Mail

Subject:EC documents on California crisis
Date:Thu, 31 May 2001 04:16:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi, Rick,

I am sorry to have forgotten to copy you on this e-mail I sent to Steve.
Besides, I have sent another article to Maureen this morning on the danger of
Californian crisis repeating in Spain (see attached here as well)

---------------------- Forwarded by Nailia Dindarova/LON/ECT on 31/05/2001
11:02 ---------------------------

Nailia Dindarova
28/05/2001 11:46
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron

Subject: EC documents on California crisis


These documents would be useful in the preparation for your upcoming
presentation in Madrid.

The Eurelectric trip to the US (including their visit to Enron building in
Houston) has been rather fruitful - attched is the report Eurelectric
delegates put together upon their return from States and the slides from the
presentation they made in Brussels for the Commission and Members of the
European Parliament. Also attached is the memorandum from the European
Commission on the Californian crisis. The bottomline message is that
liberalisation process is not to be blamed for what happened in CA but rather
a set of very complex conditions. Also, the Commission tried to highlight
that a similar situation is highly unlikely to be reproduced in the European
Member States.
