Enron Mail

Subject:EFET draft security of supply paper
Date:Fri, 1 Jun 2001 03:58:00 -0700 (PDT)

Take a look at attachment below for guidance in any discussion with Ristori
next Wednesday re Bush energy policy statement and comparative aspects of EC
green paper on sec. of supply. To remind you of what Loyola said on CNN
- Agrees with need to re-evaluate role of nuclear plus future investment in
it .
- Disagrees with weight given to supply side and indigenous sources,
compared with demand side and fuel diversity (also from external sources?)
- Disagrees with exclusion of climate change considerations.

---------------------- Forwarded by Peter Styles/LON/ECT on 06/01/2001 10:25
AM ---------------------------

brian.samuel@txu-europe.com@txu-europe.com on 04/23/2001 02:31:45 PM
To: "EFET Secretariat" <secretariat@efet.org<
cc: peter.styles@enron.com

Subject: EWG - security of supply paper

Jan, please find a revised draft of the SoS paper following discussions with
Peter. I would be grateful if you could circulate it to the members of the
electricity working group for comment by 30th April. Likewise could you also
forward it to Ian Wood.
(See attached file: efetsos.doc)

Thanks Brian

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- efetsos.doc