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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: Eric Benson X-To: Richard Shapiro X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_June2001\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: SHAPIRO-R X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf Rick - FYI - Eric ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- ------------------- ----- Forwarded by Eric Benson/NA/Enron on 04/18/2001 07:52 AM ----- =09webmaster@cera.com =0904/17/2001 09:01 PM =09=09=20 =09=09 To: insights@cera.com =09=09 cc:=20 =09=09 Subject: European Energy Market Liberalization: Gathering Pace - CER= A Insight Title: European Energy Market Liberalization: Gathering Pace URL: http://www20.cera.com/eprofile?u=3D35&m=3D2354 http://www20.cera.com/eprofile?u=3D35&m=3D2355 EUROPEAN ENERGY MARKET LIBERALIZATION: GATHERING PACE The European Commission has issued two new documents aimed at furthering liberalization of the European energy market in the second half of the deca= de. The Commission has set both quantitative and qualitative objectives for gas= =20 and power. France=01,s opposition to the proposals will delay the implementatio= n of market opening as envisaged by the Commission. However, in CERA=01,s view t= he rejection of the Commission=01,s draft documents is only a temporary slow d= own in the process. Liberalization remains a widely shared objective among member states and is only gathering pace. CERA expects four principal outcomes fro= m the ongoing discussions: * The pace of market opening will accelerate despite French opposition. * The scope of unbundling will be extended to include separate ownership. * A unified European approach for grid regulation will emerge. * Public service obligation will be institutionalized. **end** Follow above URL for complete report. E-mail Category: Insight CERA Knowledge Area(s): European Gas, European Power, *********************************************************************** CERA's Spring 2001 Roundtable event dates and agendas are now available at http://www20.cera.com/event *********************************************************************** To make changes to your cera.com profile go to: http://www20.cera.com/client/updateaccount Forgot your username and password? Go to: http://www20.cera.com/client/forgot This electronic message and attachments, if any, contain information from Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA) which is confidential and may be privileged. Unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Terms of Use: http://www20.cera.com/tos Questions/Comments: webmaster@cera.com Copyright 2001. Cambridge Energy Research Associates