Enron Mail

To:richard.shapiro@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com, mark.palmer@enron.com,janel.guerrero@enron.com
Subject:FW: Duty Calls
Date:Fri, 1 Jun 2001 05:22:00 -0700 (PDT)

FYI: I see a few other Enron names on the list of recipients, but thought I
should pass this on. Jimmy is a friend of mine from church.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Glotfelty <jimmyg@calpine.com<@ENRON
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 12:10 PM
To: 'Thomas O. Moore'; 'Rebecca Turner Gonzales'; 'sruhlen@ovp.eop.gov';
'brianthomas@etrademail.com'; 'kristan.mack@mail.house.gov'; 'Kathleen
Magruder'; john.stauffacher@dynegy.com; barry.huddleston@dynegy.com;
breilley@coral-energy.com; kim.casey@dynegy.com; eheuss@texas.net;
'dana.gresham@mail.house.gov'; 'Joel Bluestein'; Greenwald, Steven; 'Black,
Andy'; Bud Albright (E-mail); Jeff MacKinnon (E-mail); Cynthia Sandherr
(E-mail); Robertson, Linda; 'ssegal@bracepatt.com'; Kerrill Scrivner
(E-mail); 'ellen@txlobby.com'; 'swonkec@tcbaus.com'; 'ahachtman@aol.com';
'liberallib@aol.com'; 'David Gross'; 'BSTURGEON@austin.rr.com';
'ceciliaabbott@hotmail.com'; 'katiep@onr.com'; 'Derek Lewis';
'gabbott999@aol.com'; 'ghensley@strategicmedia.net'; 'kjohnson@tgrta.com';
'mgfraser@yahoo.com'; 'marnie_ketchum@hotmail.com'; 'Lindsey Howe Parham';
'mindy ellmer'; 'rerben@email.msn.com'; 'tonyg@onr.com'; 'SUSAN RAMP'; Thode,
Eric; 'HeitmanML@aol.com'; fmcclure@winstead.com;
'Vicki_Oswalt@reliantenergy.com'; mike.mccall@txu.com; cpatton@aep.com;
'ghasty@pd-engineers.com'; 'Todd Olsen'
Subject: Duty Calls

It is with mixed emotions that I must announce that I will be leaving
Calpine effective Friday, June 8th. I have been asked by the Bush
Administration to go back and serve again.

In my new life, beginning on June 11th, I will be the Senior Electric
Policy Advisor to Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. In this role I will be
responsible for helping craft the Administration's electric
restructuring bill, evaluate the feasibility of a national electric grid,
help advise the administration on the steps necessary to help solve our
western electric crisis, work with Congress, and help craft many other
policies that will
positively impact the competitive electric industry. This is a once in
a lifetime opportunity that I felt I could not pass up.

I do not yet have a new email but will forward it when I get it.

My new phone number is 202-586-7131 (after June 11th).

Jimmy Glotfelty
Director; Government Affairs
Calpine Corporation
700 Milam #800
Houston, TX 77002
Direct: 713-830-8633
Fax: 713-830-8871
Cell: 713-594-8153