Enron Mail

To:richard.shapiro@enron.com, peter.styles@enron.com, doug.wood@enron.com,paul.dawson@enron.com
Subject:FW: European Priorities
Date:Mon, 21 May 2001 03:03:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here are the principle items I outlined in my strategy for the German offic=
in April. All goals apply to both gas and electricity The full document is=
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks


? Establishment of Regulated Third Party Access to Gas and Electricity=20
o All pressure/voltage levels. =20
o Non-discriminatory, tranparent access to networks and network services=20
(gas=3Dstorage, balancing, blending; electricity=3Dbalancing energy, reserv=
voltage and frequency control)
? Corporate Unbundling:=20
o Management, resource, and legal separation of networks (all pressure and=
votlage levels) from supply/trading businesses in gas and electricity.
? Free Cross Border Trade:=20
o Opening of all interconnector capacity on a market-basis;=20
o Remove =01&Altvertrage=018 and require only minimum necessary reservation=
capacity for system stability purposes.=20
o Cross-border fees must be genuinley cost-reflective and shared by all=20
parties equally.=20
o Income from auctions of congested capacity used to i) reduce network fees=
or ii) expand facility.
o Reduce or eliminate planned restrictions from application of reciprocity=
clause in gas and electricity.

Time Frame: 12- 18 months

-----Original Message-----
From: Styles, Peter =20
Sent: 18 May 2001 23:23
To: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@EES
Cc: Doug Wood/LON/ECT@ENRON; Paul Hennemeyer/LON/ECT@ENRON; Paul Dawson/Gov=
Subject: Re: European Priorities

It's late (even in Houston!) but here are five for the Brussels office, plu=
Continental Power, plus France, Belgium and NL:
1. Arcos gas TPA (anti-trust angles).
2. Cross border power transmission CWE - eliminating transaction based=20
tariffs and achieving transparency/ non discrimination in allocation of ATC=
3. Freeing up more power export transmission capacity from, and optimising=
forthcoming auction of virtual generating capacity inside, France.
4. Resolving restrictions on availability to new entrants of power import=
transmission capacity into NL.
5. Achieving power transit without additional tariff through, and wholesal=
power TPA inside, Belgium.

Richard Shapiro@EES
11/05/2001 14:18
To: Doug Wood/LON/ECT@ECT, Paul Hennemeyer/LON/ECT@ECT, Peter=20
Styles/LON/ECT@ECT, Paul Dawson/Govt. Affairs/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Amber Keenan/LON/ECT@ECT=20

Subject: European Priorities

Could each of you get me by next Friday( May 18,2001) a list of the top 5=
priorities for each of your respective areas....and, if, possible, a=20
consensus document reflecting the top 8-10 priorities for the entire group?=
brief description of each of the priorities would be appreciated with an=20
attempt to quantify, where possible, the value associated with each of the=
priorities( either value potentially created or loss of value avoided).=20