Enron Mail

To:mark.palmer@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com
Subject:FW: where does our energy come from?
Date:Tue, 10 Jul 2001 01:38:00 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Curt Pringle [mailto:Curt@curtpringle.com]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 6:23 PM
Subject: where does our energy come from?

Assemblyman Bill Leonard's most recent e-newsletter contained the
following information. I think it is very interesting to consider in
light of the present energy situation in California and the comments of
our present Governor.



***Who Really Powers California?***
Governor Davis has made no secret that he believes that swashbuckling,
cattle rustling, energy barons from Texas are to blame for our energy
crisis. While Texas power companies make for good bad guys in the
Governor's transparent Kabuki theater of blame, Leonard Letter readers
be interested to see who really provides power to Californians. The
following list illustrates what percentage of our power supply each
group of
generators provides. (Editor's note: these percentages have been rounded
resulting in slightly more than 100%)

18%- Pacific Gas and Electric (California)
15%- Southern California Edison (California)
11%- Imported power from the Northwest (including Canada)
10%- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (California)
10%- Imported power from the Southwest
7%- State and Federal Agencies
6%- AES power company
5%- Municipal Utilities and Irrigation Districts
5%- Reliant power company
4%- Duke power company
4%- Southern power company
4%- Dynegy power company
1%- Sacramento Municipal Utility District (California)
1%- Calpine power company
1%- San Diego Gas and Electric (California)

It should be noted that of this list, only Dynegy and Reliant are from
Texas. These two companies represent a total of 9% of California's
portfolio. By comparison, Georgia-based Southern (Mirant), Virginia's
and North Carolina's Duke Energy, have a 14% share of our energy

This list does not focus on who is gaming the market. However, every
provider listed benefited from skyrocketing energy prices. In trying to
identify those power producers who used market power to ring up high
on Californians, we should include ALL power producers in our
investigations. State and federal agencies, independent power
utilities, municipal utilities, and even local irrigation districts
all be guilty of gouging consumers. Davis's focusing on only those
companies from Texas does everyone in this state a disservice and is a
misrepresentation of fact.


Curt Pringle
Curt Pringle & Assoc.
2532 Dupont Drive
Irvine, CA 92612

(949) 474-4090
(949) 474-4082 fax