Enron Mail

To:richard.shapiro@enron.com, eric.benson@enron.com, scott.bolton@enron.com,stephen.burns@enron.com, vinio.floris@enron.com, michael.grimescorpenron@enron.com, jan.haizmann@enron.com, karen.huang@enron.com, barbara.hueter@enron.com, kikumi.kishigami@en
Subject:FYI: Changes at EBS
Date:Thu, 12 Jul 2001 05:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Hartfield, Rita =20
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 12:15 PM
To: Reyna, Margo
Subject: Changes at EBS

Rita Hartfield
Phone: 713-853-5854
Cell: 713-304-5428
Fax: 713-646-4702
----- Forwarded by Rita Hartfield/Enron Communications on 07/12/01 12:18 PM=

=09EBS Office of the Chairman Sent by: EBS Announcements 07/12/01 11:10 AM =
=09 =20
To: EBS Worldwide cc: Subject: Changes at EBS

To: All EBS Employees Worldwide

From: EBS Office of the Chairman

Subject: Changes at EBS

Date: July 12, 2001

Since its inception, EBS has seen dramatic changes in the communications=20
industry. The growth and opportunity anticipated in this industry two year=
ago has significantly changed in the past nine months. While Enron remains=
committed to extending our business model into telecom, we need to quickly=
respond to these changes in the market to achieve our objectives.

The Enron Corp. earnings release issued today states that we will be=20
adjusting the EBS business to better match the revenue opportunities. This=
means that we must reduce our overall cost structure and better focus our=
commercial efforts.

To achieve this, we will take the following steps:

EBS will become a business unit within Enron Wholesale Services. This will=
involve the integration of all EBS commercial support functions into those=
units within EWS, and will enable us to better manage the resources and cos=
of the support functions.

All EBS commercial functions will be consolidated into the following units:

Europe =01) headed by Matthew Scrimshaw
Asia =01) headed by Anthony Duenner
Americas =01) headed by Rich DiMichele
We will consolidate the North American EBS origination teams into one group=
led by Stewart Seeligson. =20
North American trading and risk management will continue to report to Paul=
Racicot. Paul will also oversee the global portfolio from a risk managemen=

Global Network Operations will continue to report to the EBS Office of the=

All EBS asset positions will continue to be reviewed and repositioned to mo=
effectively meet the future needs of EBS.

The Portland office will be closed by October 1. Portland employees will b=
advised by their supervisors of their relocation or redeployment status by=
July 27.

These changes will affect many EBS employees through relocation,=20
redeployment, severance or movement to another part of Enron. We have not=
yet worked out all of the details of these changes, but your supervisor wil=
apprise you of how this affects you as soon as possible, and no later than=
July 27.