Enron Mail

Subject:Ken Lay/John Lavorato Briefing Material
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 05:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Aleck Dadson/TOR/ECT on 06/07/2001 01:00 PM -----

Aleck Dadson
06/07/2001 12:48 PM

To: Paul Devries/TOR/ECT@ECT
Subject: Ken Lay/John Lavorato Briefing Material

I have attached the following: a) a high level outline of the speaking
points for Ken Lay and John Lavorato for their meetings with Premier Harris
and, I hope, Wilson, Purchase and Hubert; and b) a more detailed briefing
note which outlines: i) key developments since April 4 , ii) our position
re market opening and the key issues that have been raised against opening
the market this Fall, iii) differences between California and Ontario; and
iv) Enron's assessment of the possible difficulties in NYC this Summer. I am
awaiting material from Houston to complete the piece on
NYC. One piece that I think needs to be added to the
detailed briefing note is an overview of Enron's current commercial position
in Ontario - i.e. the renegotiation of the BE contract and the likelihood of
pursuing a retail initiative. You will see where I have left space for that
piece, hoping that you could draft it. I have endeavoured
in the outline of the speaking points to focus on what we know the key
issues/concerns for the government are at this stage. I
have asked Sasha Jacob to provide us with profiles of Harris, Wilson,
Purchase and Hubert to include in the final briefing package.
I have prepared the material on the assumption that the best use of
the meeting time (likely 45 minutes with Harris and 60 minutes with Wilson et
al) is: a) to make the case for proceeding with market opening this Fall
if the IMO and OEB reports re market readiness are positive; b) to provide
Harris et al with our perspective on developments in the U.S. (particularly
New York and California) about which the government may have continuing
concerns; and c) to ask Harris what we can do to help the gov't move forward
to a market opening this year. Rick Shapiro left
me a voice mail indicating that Lavorato and he had spoken about the visit
and the supporting material. The agreement between the two of them is
evidently that Rob, you and I are all to be comfortable with the briefing
material before sending it to John, who will then review it and propose any
changes he feels are necessary before it is forwarded to Ken
Lay. I would appreciate your questions,
comments and suggested revisions.