Enron Mail

Subject:Marketing off-site program invitation
Date:Fri, 6 Jul 2001 10:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

The Corporate Marketing team along with members of other BU's will be holding
a mid year off-site on Aug 3. The objectives are to enhance their marketing
knowledge, refine our strategy, learn more about the resources that exist
within Enron, and discuss ways in which we can add greater value to the

Our off-site will be held at the Woodlands Conference Center, and I would
like to invite you to speak to about (20 to 25 people) for a half an hour on
Friday morning. I know you live close by, so I hope this won't be an
inconvience. Since our department fosters entrepreneurial thinking and seeks
to learn more about new initiatives within Enron, all would benefit from
hearing from you specifically about the following: The objectives for
government and regulatory affairs domestically; how California may have
disrupted Enron's plans; key objectives that need to be achieved, the
strategies you are employing; and the role that marketing can play (if any)
in the process.

Please let me know if you will be available to join us, and we can discuss
specifics closer to the date.

Best regards,