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NGA Corporate Fellows
News from the National Governors Association's Corporate Fellows Program Make Your Voice Heard; Respond To NGA Survey June 8, 2001 Hello, Corporate Fellows! June 1 has come and gone and we have only received three responses to the survey. Many thanks to Pete Poynter of BellSouth, Molly Phillips of Feld Entertainment and John Riggen of Agilent Technologies for completing theirs on time. In order for us to respond to your interests and to effect change in the program, we need to hear from all of you. Again, I ask that you review the survey, and a letter and memo from Ray that describes upcoming events and program improvements. Return the survey to my attention no later than June 27. Our goal is to get 100 percent participation, so please take approximately 15 minutes and complete the survey. On a separate note, June 15 is fast approaching. For those of you interested in nominating yourselves or other Corporate Fellows for the Steering Group, please do so as soon as possible. Again, complete the nomin ation form and return it to my attention. Also, if you haven't already done so, take a look at the criteria for selection to determine eligibility. The Springtime in Washington reception was a big success. Sorry some of you were not able to attend. You missed a wonderful evening of great conversation, good food and wonderful music - not to mention the location, which was one of the best. My sincere thanks to all of you who helped make it a success. We could not have done it without your support. The reception provided a great opportunity for our new intern, Brett Rosenberg, to meet Corporate Fellows, Governors Washington Representatives, and NGA staff. Brett will be with us until August 15 conducting research on a wide variety of issues (including energy) that are important to the Corporate Fellows. Hope all is well and that the approaching end of the legislative season will find you all in good spirits. Regards, Lynn Annual Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island As a reminder, the Annual Meeting will take place from August 4-7. I have confirmed plans with my colleagues John Thomasian and Peter Wiley to have the Corporate Fellows luncheon include governors chiefs of staff and policy advisors. Again, I have only received one recommendation for a luncheon speaker. Please complete the luncheon speaker form with your suggestion(s) and return it to me as soon as possible but no later than June 15. Please watch for news regarding registration for the Annual Meeting. Registrations this year will be done online only. The website should be live on June 18. This year we will have two roundtables/task force meetings, one on E-governance and the other on Growth and Quality of Life, the chairman's initiative. Thom Rubel and Joel Hirschhorn respectively will contact you directly regarding Corporate Fellows executives' participation in the roundtables. Also, the Natural Resources Committee is planning to have a discussion on biotechnology. Diane Shea, committee director, and I will be working together to identify Corporate Fellows to participate in this committee meeting. New Corporate Fellows We are delighted to welcome the following Corporate Fellows to the program: DeVry Inc., Detroit Edison, and Bull Information Systems. If you are not already familiar with them, take a moment and click on the company name to find out who they are and what they do. Corporate Fellow Participation in Recent NGA Meetings Coinciding with the unveiling of the President's energy policy report, NGA sponsored an all-day Energy Policy Forum on Friday, May 18, to inform and educate state representatives and other interested parties. Panel discussions and presentations covered a range of perspectives on a number of critical and timely issues, including: the states and energy policy; crafting a comprehensive energy policy; fuel sources and production infrastructure; energy delivery; demand management: efficiency, conservation and price responsiveness; and regulating the nation's energy markets: federal and state roles. Corporate Fellow panelists included American Electric Power (AEP), Dupont, Enron and ExxonMobil. Other Energy Policy Forum panelists included representatives from state organizations, electric utilities, energy conservation and environmental advocacy and research organizations, several energy-related trade associations and a commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The forum presented several points of view related to current and projected domestic energy supply and demand, deregulation, environmental concerns, the roles of federal and state governments, and anticipated effects of new energy policies on states and consumers. We appreciate the time that AEP, Dupont, Enron and ExxonMobil took to participate to ensure the success of the Energy Policy Forum. Many, many thanks. We further appreciate the participation of Blue Cross Blue Shield in our May 24 meeting titled "Making Healthcare More Affordable and Accessible for Small Businesses." News from NGA Estate Tax Provision Hits State Budgets Hard On the heels of the Senate passing the $1.35 trillion tax cut bill, state officials throughout the nation geared up to oppose the ill-timed inclusion of a provision in the Senate bill that would cut states' share of revenues from the estate tax at a time when most state revenue pictures are filled with budget cuts. Read press release. NGA Hosts Privacy Discussion On July 18, NGA will host the second in a series on privacy. The topics for discussion will include medical privacy and workforce issues. For those of you interested in attending, please send an email to Denise Harrison. We will need to know your plans as soon as possible. NGA, Others Comment on Power Plant Data Disclosure Proposal May 14, 2001 letter (from NGA/National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners/National Association of State Energy Officials/National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates) submitting comments to the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (EIA) that object to EIA's proposal to treat certain data received by EIA from electric power plants as confidential. In Letter to Senators, Govs. Outline Key Issues for Internet Tax Bill May 23, 2001 letter (from Governor Glendening and Governor Engler) to Senator McCain and Senator Hollings outlining the Governors' key issues in any compromise on Internet tax legislation NGA Testifies on Capitol Hill About Unfunded Mandates In testimony before a joint House committee, NGA Executive Director Raymond Scheppach cited both successes and problems with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. ? Questions? Contact the Webmaster. You are currently subscribed to fellows as: rshapiro@enron.com To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-fellows-2229D@talk.nga.org NGA Resources NGA Home Page NGA Policy Positions NG A Press Releases NGA Reports Online NGA Center for Best Practices About the Governors Look for the Next Corporate Fellows Newsletter: Monday, June 25 Calendar UPCOMING MEETINGS OPEN to CORPORATE FELLOWS: CORPORATE FELLOWS PROGRAM DEADLINES: JUNE 15 Steering Group Nominations JUNE 15 Annual Meeting Luncheon Speaker Suggestions JUNE 27 Corporate Fellows Survey Responses NGA MEETINGS: JUNE 18 On-line Registration Begins for NGA Annual Meeting 2001 AUGUST 4-7 NGA Annual Meeting Providence, Rhode Island Convention Center NGA Contact: Ray Scheppach NGA LOBBYIST MEETINGS JUNE 11 Briefing on Metropolitan Planning Organizations (3:00PM-5:00PM) Washington, D.C. Hall of the States, Room 285 Conference Call: 703-736-7271, pin #4673 *RSVP requested NGA Contact: Tina Hildebrand JUNE 18 Briefing on Federal Aid Highway Financing (1:00PM-4:00PM) Washington, D.C. Hall of the States, Room 383 Conference Call: 703/736-7271, pin #4673 *RSVP requested NGA Contact: Tina Hildebrand JUNE 28 Briefing on Privacy Issues (10:00AM-1:00PM) Washington, D.C. Hall of the States, Room 233 Conference Call: 703-736-7271, pin#4673 NGA Contact: Tim Hovis CENTER MEETINGS: JUNE 6 Meeting of the e-Governance Task Force Special Guests: Governor Geringer and Governor Patton Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Marriott Hotel NGA Contact: Thom Rubel JUNE 13 NGA Center for Best Practices/National Criminal Justice Association/Urban Institute Presentation on the Urban Institute's Publication "From Prison to Home: the Dimensions and Consequences of Prisoner Reentry" (10:30AM-Noon) Washington, D.C. Hall of the States, Room 383/5 JUNE 29-30 National Conference of State Legislatures Seminar on the Health Care Safety Net Indianapolis, Indiana University Place Conference Center and Hotel NGA Contact: Joan Henneberry JULY 10-11 Terrorism Summit Washington, D.C. Omni Shoreham Hotel NGA Contact: Ann Beauchesne JULY 26-27 Policy Forum on Disease Management Honolulu, Hawaii Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel NGA Contact: Nasima Baskey ? ? ?