Enron Mail

To:mbennett@epsa.org, janderson@elcon.org, jhughes@elcon.org,james.steffes@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com, amosher@appa.org, mfgildea@duke-energy.com, lvollmer@pwrteam.com, vapr@dynegy.com, terry.lane@dynegy.com
Subject:Partial Draft of Paper for Friday's Conference Call
Cc:christi.nicolay@enron.com, sscott3@enron.com, andy.rodriquez@enron.com,ringers@ect.enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com
Bcc:christi.nicolay@enron.com, sscott3@enron.com, andy.rodriquez@enron.com,ringers@ect.enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com
Date:Thu, 28 Jun 2001 16:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

This document, although lengthy, contains insight to what NERC's BOT may be
asked to endorse as far as establishment of a NERC position on reliabilty
standards and market practices. It also has implications on how to split the
baby between NERC and GISB.

I suggest all to review this draft and be ready to provide the MIC feedback
when it appears on their agenda. I am unsure if it will show up in the July
meeting, perhaps Terry Lane of Dynegy, who is on the subcommittee that put
this together can provide us with more info.

Mark, please forward this to the EPSA-NAERO group list.

Thank You
Charles Yeung

---------------------- Forwarded by Charles Yeung/HOU/ECT on 06/28/2001 11:15
PM ---------------------------

Gerry Cauley <gcauley@att.net<@nerc.com on 06/28/2001 08:12:25 PM
Sent by: owner-mips@nerc.com
To: mips@nerc.com

Subject: Partial Draft of Paper for Friday's Conference Call

Attached is a partial draft of a MIPS paper addressing the process for MI and
Commercial practices.? It got a little more complicated than I anticipated so
it is not finished.? However, I did outline the unfinished sections so you
can get an idea of how it is supposed to finish.? I will try to get it
completed before the call so you can see the whole paper.? I would appreciate
your comments on the call.

For the additional items that the MIPS is presenting to the MIC, please refer
to Agenda Item 7 in the MIC package.? The MIC package is at following URL:?

- Attachment 7c3 - Need for Uniform Practices.doc

Gerry Cauley
(408) 323-1129 Tel.
(408) 323-1129 Fax
(408) 835-4213 Cell