Enron Mail

Subject:Prof. Littlechild: attached papers
Cc:paul.dawson@enron.com, nailia.dindarova@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com
Bcc:paul.dawson@enron.com, nailia.dindarova@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com
Date:Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

Stephen Littlechild used to be the UK electricity regulator. Paul and I have
inherited a consultancy agreement Mark Schroeder signed up with him two
months ago. He is going to do an EU-wide power markets competition review for
me to use up some contracted hours. He has sent me the attachments below in
preparation for the briefings on that review. You may find the second and
third items, both of which make some reference to California, of interest.

---------------------- Forwarded by Peter Styles/LON/ECT on 12/04/2001 18:16

"Stephen Littlechild" <littlechild@tanworth.mercianet.co.uk< on 11/04/2001
To: "Peter Styles" <Peter.Styles@enron.com<

Subject: attached papers

Dear Peter
Thank you for the helpful telephone conversation just now. I am attaching as
promised the two recent papers and the slides for my recent UBSW talk.? Any
comments on the latter would be particularly helpful in drafting the
European paper we discussed. I look forward to receiving the internal papers
you spoke of.
Monday afternoon on May 21 looks fine at present and I will pencil it in
while you explore meetings with others.
With best wishes
- UBSW London 3.3.01.ppt
- Why we need electricity retailers 22Aug00.doc
- JACF paper final.pdf