Enron Mail

To:sgovenar@govadv.com, hgovenar@govadv.com, mday@gmssr.com, bhansen@lhom.com,jdasovic@enron.com, smara@enron.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com, michael.mcdonald@enron.com, sandra.mccubbin@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com, james.d.steffes@enron.com, acomnes@enron
Subject:RE: SBX 27 - PASSAGE
Date:Thu, 24 May 2001 07:22:00 -0700 (PDT)

We have confirmed that there is no current agenda item pending for the CPUC
to act on banning direct access. Having said that, there are reports from
highly placed staff that an item to implement the AB-1X ban is being held in
Bilas' office, as he would like to see the legislative process run its
course, but there is a possibility that Lynch will reassign the matter to
another commissioner who opposes direct acess (Wood)in an effort to kill DA
before any other legislation is passed. Please note: The foregoing is
internal speculation/gossip from within the commission, and should not be
considered as confirmed. Notwithstanding the controversy over implementing
AB 1X, Commissioner Brown has written a letter to Bowen endorsing direct
access and her bill, and publicly supported direct access in the Commission
meeting today. That means 3 commissioners have voiced support for DA, and
only 2 opposed. This again raises doubts over the accuracy of Bowen's
statement--which may have been designed to scare opponents into supporting
her bill. We are attempting to get a copy of the letter sent by Brown and
will forward it to the lobbyists if we obtaining. Stay tuned. Mike Day

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Govenar [mailto:sgovenar@govadv.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 12:29 PM
To: Hedy Govenar; Mike Day; Bev Hansen; Jeff Dasovich; Susan J Mara;
Paul Kaufman; Michael McDonald; Sandra McCubbin; Rick Shapiro; Jim
Steffes; Alan Comnes; Steven Kean; Karen Denne;
Harry.Kingerski@enron.com; Leslie Lawner; Robert Frank; Ken Smith; Janel
Guerrero; Miyung Buster; Jennifer Thome; Eric Letke; Mary Schoen; David
Leboe; Ban Sharma
Subject: SBX 27 - PASSAGE

SBX2 27 (Bowen) passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee on a
7-5 party-line vote. In her closing, Senator Bowen said that if the
supporters of direct access do not want to help her with her bill she
would just as soon let if fail. She also stated that the CPUC was going
to terminate direct access next week. There was one additional
amendment taken which specifies that DWR must inform customers within 30
days of an inquiry what the projected exit fee will be.