Enron Mail

To:marty.sunde@enron.com, dennis.benevides@enron.com, marcus.dotson@enron.com,lamar.frazier@enron.com, robert.williams@enron.com
Subject:Re: Final Commission Decision on 3c/kwh Rate Design
Date:Fri, 18 May 2001 02:20:00 -0700 (PDT)

Marty - here are two versions of direct access legislation that will get some
attention next week. The first is the current version of the Bowen bill. The
second is a retail coalition bill that will be introduced next week. Primary
differences are this:

The Bowen bill gives more latitude to the PUC to determine whether retail
customers can participate in direct access. The Coalition bill gives a much
more prescriptive description on how the exit fee should be calculated.

In the Coalition bill, there are two components to the exit fee:
a backward looking part to cover DWR costs since Jan 17
a forward looking part to cover unavoidable future costs, which does not
apply if
- for res and small commercial customers, DA load is less than 5% of total
res and small commercial load
- for large customers, total DA load is less than the "net short"
- for self gen customers, the customer has given 180 days prior notification

Both have a re-entry fee for return to utility service.

- DA coaltn draft bill - May 16 with edits.DOC

Marty Sunde@EES
05/17/2001 07:42 AM

To: Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Final Commission Decision on 3c/kwh Rate Design

Can you get me whatever has been written concerning the proposed exit fees
for customers that contemplate using a direct access provider in the future?