Enron Mail

To:blandford@smtp.democrats.org, srosenberg@newdem.org
Subject:Re: Reception Honoring Gov. Gray Davis
Date:Thu, 28 Jun 2001 01:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

If this is who( Governor Davis) DGA and NDN chooses to support despite the
fact that his lack of leadership has imposed incalcuble pain and costs on
California, please remove me from your e-mail and any other lists from here
forward. Thank you.

"John Blandford"<blandford@smtp.democrats.org< on 06/27/2001 05:40:03 PM
To: <rshapiro@enron.com<

Subject: Reception Honoring Gov. Gray Davis

Senator Joe Lieberman, Congresswoman Jane and Dr. Sidney Harman
along with the Democratic Governors' Association & New Democrat Network
and the Democratic California Congressional Delegation

Invite you to attend a Reception benefiting
of California

Hosted by Congresswoman Jane and Dr. Sidney Harman
with Special Guest Senator Joseph Lieberman

July 12, 2001
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Offices of Harman International
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

** The attached Adobe Acrobat file contains the complete invitation and
registration form **

- Davis0712.pdf