Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Renunciando a ABRACEEL
Date:Fri, 1 Jun 2001 02:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

I was asked to keep my mouth shut.

But I am still looking forward to celebrating 5 victories in a row

1) Itaipu excess energy belonging to D/Rs
2) Changing MAE governance
3) Quotas with economic signals as opposed to rolling black-outs
4) No changes in Annex V
5) No caps on spot prices

Decisions on the last two ones should be made shortly.

I may have left some enemies behind, but I leave with the sense of having
fulfilled my mission.


---------------------- Forwarded by Luiz Maurer/SA/Enron on 06/01/2001 09:52
AM ---------------------------

05/31/2001 11:38 PM
To: Luiz Maurer/SA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Orlando Gonzalez/SA/Enron@Enron, Joe Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron

Subject: Re: Renunciando a ABRACEEL

Luiz. After consideration of currents events we believe this in an opportune
moment for you to resign as President of Abraceel and turn over the reigns to
your successor.

Two reasons. First, the President's position in Abraceel is one that you
could not fill from Houston and given your imminent departure you need time
to advise your Board and plan for an orderly transition; secondly, as
President of Abraceel, you are called by the press to make public statements
to defend the position of power marketers in general. This is why we wanted
you in that role in the first place, but due to the current circumstances
that has become a temporary liability.

When you speak to the Press, you are mostly identified by the informed sector
leaders as Enron, no matter how thoroughly you try to clarify that you are
speaking as President of Abraceel. In the meantime, Orlando is in the middle
of intensive negotiations with the government members and some of your recent
comments have been untimely, in that it makes it appear, in public, that the
Crisis Management Group issue leader, in insensitive to the power marketers
(read Enron) position, thus undercutting his leverage. That also puts you in
an awkward position, because as President of the organization you are not
serving the membership by not engaging in the public debate.

But this does not mean that you are not still fully engaged in the battle!.
Your prediction that the "policy makers" are taking decisions that will hurt
the market may come true, and if so, we Enron, will come out fighting.

In the mean time, we will be needing your background and knowledge to move
our viewpoints through the open doors that have been presented to us in the

Rick Shapiro has committed your assistance to the region as long as it is
needed. Joe and Orlando would have wished that the clock could be stopped and
you physical departure be postponed. But they are well aware that it is not
fair to you and your family to postpone the move. We will work something out
so that you can provide assistance from the USA.

Thank you for your perseverance on this long fight.


Luiz Maurer@ENRON
05/31/2001 09:26 AM
cc: Orlando Gonzalez/SA/Enron@Enron, Joe Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron

Subject: Renunciando a ABRACEEL


Obrigado por me ajudar neste assunto.

Gostaria que a orienta??o de resignar a Abraceel fosse formalizada por
escrito, caso isto n?o gere inconvenincias.??LM????