Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Viviana Florio PERSONNEL/ CONFIDENTIAL
Date:Tue, 15 May 2001 05:40:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Rick.
I will call her later and suggest:
1. Get face to face with Paul (difficult because his appearances in
Frankfurt office have been rare last six months, and when he is there she
complains of little communication, virtually no involvement.)
2. Speak Stephan Diescher, Frankfurt HR. (I have been advised by London HR
not to offer myself on a continuing basis as "confidante", since this may
encourage her to avoid confronting Paul as her direct supervisor with her
3. Avail herself of your offer.

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: Richard Shapiro @ ENRON 15/05/2001 13:29

To: Peter Styles/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: Follow up last week meeting

Tell Viviana that I am prepared to be of assistance here if she so desires.

Peter Styles@ECT
05/15/2001 04:34 AM
To: Viviana Florio/Enron@EUEnronXgate @ ENRON
cc: (bcc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron)

Subject: Re: Follow up last week meeting

I will do my best, Viviana. Sorry our discussion had to be cut short last
week. I have meetings this morning and am travelling to Brussels this
afternoon. Would you like to talk to someone in HR too, or have you already
done so?

From: Viviana Florio/Enron@EUEnronXgate on 15/05/2001 07:58 GDT
To: Peter Styles/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Follow up last week meeting

Hello Peter,

hope you're fine.

I'm wondering whether it would be possible for you to call me today, because
I would like to continue with you the discussion we started last week when I
was in London.

I have to admit that I'm quite worried and I do not know what to expect.

Thank you very much in advance.
