Enron Mail

Subject:STB Chair
Cc:steven.kean@enron.com, chris.long@enron.com
Bcc:steven.kean@enron.com, chris.long@enron.com
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 01:59:00 -0700 (PDT)

Rick: As Chris mentioned, we spoke to Oliver last week about the STB
position. I had also talked to him a few weeks ago about the same. In
addition, I've had several conversations with Joe Bill Watkins, an attorney
in Austin who is working with the Greater Houston Community to find an
"independent thinker" for this job.

I recommend that we support Oliver Pennington. It's clear from our
conversations that he doesn't know much about the rail industry (he was
inquiring about the difference between the STB's and the FRA's role in
regulating the industry), but he appears to be -- and from all accounts,
would be-- a fair-minded regulator. He said he wants to "make a
difference", and would not be afraid to shake things up to make that

As Chris suggests, we should not support the names being floated in the
industry. Bratten is a railroad sympathizer in shippers' clothing. While
Alice Turnquist is a good friend of Susan Lent (our lobbyist from Akin Gump),
she is very close to Union Pacific. Of all the rails, UP is the most
resistant to change, and has a very well organized, very effective government
affairs team in Washington.

Besides Linda Morgan's spot, there is a second spot that will be open when
Clyburn departs (his term has already expired). I would also recommend that
we interview Mark Palmer's friend (I cannot recall her name) for this
position. She has excellent transportation experience, lives in Washington,
and may be willing to step out to make much-needed changes to the
industry. We tried to reach her last week, but she was out of town for the
holiday weekend. I will follow up with Mark on this.

Best regards,
----- Forwarded by Lisa Yoho/NA/Enron on 05/29/2001 08:39 AM -----

Chris Long
05/29/2001 08:34 AM

To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Lisa
Yoho/NA/Enron@Enron, Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, Ginger Dernehl/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: STB Chair

Linda Morgan is the current Chair of the Surface Transportation Board and the
Administration asked to her to stay during the transition, however it is
highly unlikely that this will be made permanent. The three names most often
mentioned for the new Surface Transportation Board Chairman are Dwayne
Ackerly (trucking company executive from Nebraska), John Bratten (National
Grain and Feed Association Rail Committee Chair, also from Nebraska), and
Alice Turnquist (former House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

The railroads are not interested in the structural changes we would like to
implement in the market and they have had a difficult time understanding the
benefits of a secondary market in rail. While the persons named above would
be better than the current Chair, we are reluctant to support their
nominations because of their close ties with the railroads (Union Pacific
especially). We think the ideal candidate for the job would be a fresh
thinker that understands rail issues, but is not beholden to the railroads.

One name that has been mentioned is Texas attorney Oliver Pennington. Lisa
and I spoke to Mr. Pennington about the job and he is more interested in an
SEC position, but is willing to examine the STB Chair. We have confirmed
that Mr. Pennington would be open to our rail proposal and would manage the
STB as a consensus builder with all interested parties. Mr. Pennington has
his resume and other supporting documentation at the White House for both the
SEC and STB positions. Attached is Mr. Pennington's resume. It is my
understanding that Ken Lay has written a letter in support of Mr.
Pennington's SEC nomination.

- RESUME-O.P. 5_7_97 517757 (2).WPD

Mark Palmer has another name of a Washington attorney who he thought might be

Please let me know if you need additional information.