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Margo Reyna
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"Telecommunications Reports International, Inc." <trnews@tr.com<
05/23/2001 03:05 PM

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Subject: TRs State NewsWire - 05/23/01


TR's State NewsWire

. . .daily intelligence on communications
industry news and policy from the editors
of Telecommunications Reports. . .


*Table of Contents*
May 23, 2001

MISSISSIPPI -- BellSouth to file market-entry bid with FCC
FLORIDA -- Broward County repeals 'open-access' requirement
CALIFORNIA -- Pacific Bell to report on CLEC operational issues
NEW MEXICO -- PRC to reconsider area code decision
MASSACHUSETTS -- DTE to defer DSL cost issues
ARIZONA -- ACC approves price hike
FLORIDA -- NeuStar to release 'growth code' to BellSouth
NORTH CAROLINA -- Commission sets number-pooling schedule
CALIFORNIA -- PUC to mull advice letter procedures
ALABAMA -- Rule would revise reporting requirements
NEBRASKA -- Gov. Johanns mulls fiber-optics bill
WISCONSIN -- New coalition seeks reliable telecom service
ILLINOIS -- CUB urges commission to order Ameritech rate cut
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -- PSC adopts service-termination rules
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -- PSC wants comment on subloop UNEs
VERMONT -- PSB orders number pooling
TEXAS -- WorldCom objects to SW Bell listing increase
KANSAS -- SW Bell to reprint directory
VIRGINIA -- New '434' area code debuts June 1
OREGON -- PUC opens certificate-transfer rulemaking
WISCONSIN -- Measure would prohibit 'spamming'
GEORGIA -- Teleport offers credits for term commitments
MICHIGAN -- Companies launch Internet services in Detroit
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -- PSC cancels service-quality meeting


MISSISSIPPI -- BellSouth to file market-entry bid with FCC

BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., yesterday notified the Public
Service Commission it plans to file an application to provide in-
region interLATA (local access and transport area) services with
the FCC "on or after" Sept. 19.

In November 1998 the PSC concluded BellSouth had met the local
exchange market-opening mandates in section 271 of the federal
Telecommunications Act of 1996. BellSouth yesterday submitted
third-party test results of its Georgia operation support system
and proposed performance-measurement and penalty plans.
BellSouth asked the PSC to reaffirm that it has met the Act's
market-opening requirements.

Compliance with section 271's 14-point "competitive checklist" is
a prerequisite for FCC authorization to provide in-region
interLATA service. The FCC must consult with the U.S. Department
of Justice and relevant state regulators before ruling on the
applications. (Docket no. 97-AD-321)


FLORIDA -- Broward County repeals 'open-access' requirement

Broward County, Fla.'s County Commission yesterday voted to
repeal an ordinance that had required cable TV franchisees to
offer unaffiliated Internet service providers "open access" to
their cable modem platforms. The vote puts the final nail in the
coffin for one of the earliest open-access initiatives.

In 1999, Broward became the second county in the U.S. to adopt an
open-access requirement following the lead of authorities in the
Portland, Ore., area. (7/14/99) A federal district judge in
Miami, however, ruled last year that Broward's ordinance violated
cable TV companies' rights to free speech and expression. In
"Comcast Cablevision of Broward County et al. v. Broward County"
(case no. 99-6934-Civ), Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks was the
first to rely on the First Amendment in nixing a locality's open-
access ordinance.

While the county's appeal of that ruling was pending before the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit (Atlanta), the cable
TV companies filed a claim seeking attorneys' fees from the
county, said Terry Bienstock, a Miami attorney with The Bienstock
Law Firm, P.A., who represented the cable TV companies.

Both sides agreed to a settlement under which the parties would
drop their legal claims if the board voted to repeal the
ordinance, Anitra Lanczi, Broward's assistant county attorney,
told TR. That agreement prompted yesterday's vote, she said.


CALIFORNIA -- Pacific Bell to report on CLEC operational issues

Public Utilities Commissioner Geoffrey Brown has directed Pacific
Bell to file by May 29 an updated list of operational problems
recently raised by competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs).
On April 4-5 Mr. Brown convened a hearing to examine more than 50
systematic operational problems the CLECs had identified
concerning ordering, provisioning, post-provisioning, and
multifaceted issues.

During the hearings and the following six days, Pacific Bell and
the CLECs met to resolve as many issues as possible. During an
April 12 hearing, Pacific Bell presented a status report, which
set task-completion dates for certain outstanding issues.

Mr. Brown said he wanted Pacific Bell to update the summary
regularly to allow the staff to monitor the progress. The May 29
summary will identify which issues have been resolved and
highlight issues affecting more than one CLEC. Comments on the
summary will be due June 11. The staff will compile a final
summary of the issues by June 21.

After June 21, and until further notice, Pacific Bell must submit
a monthly updated issues/action log highlighting the issues that
were listed in the staff's June 21 final summary.

The order also directs the staff to inform Mr. Brown by Aug. 3 of
any progress made toward resolving problems regarding database
and documentation, installation trouble, and missed due dates.
The largest number of joint CLEC problems fell under those three
areas. The staff also will advise Mr. Brown by Jan. 4, 2002, as
to what extent the other issues in the June 21 summary have been
resolved. (Rulemaking nos. 93-04-003 and 95-04-043,
Investigation nos. 93-04-002 and 95-04-044)


NEW MEXICO -- PRC to reconsider area code decision

The Public Regulation Commission has voted unanimously to
reconsider its decision ordering a "split" to relieve number
exhaustion in the "505" area code. The commission is drafting an
order today that will include a schedule for hearings on the
matter, a PRC staff member told TR.

A group of businesses, citizens, and governmental entities
calling itself "The '505' Coalition," asked the PRC to reconsider
the order. (5/18/01) The coalition is disappointed with the
PRC's decision to assign the new "957" area code to the most
populated areas of the state--Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Los

The coalition said the PRC violated state law by allowing newly
sworn in Commissioner Rory McMinn, who hadn't participated in any
of the public hearings or meetings in the case to cast the
deciding vote in the matter. According to the coalition, state
law (section 8-8-18 NMSA 1978) requires the recusal of a PRC
commissioner or hearing examiner in any case in which the
individual is unable to make a fair decision. The coalition said
that, according to PRC records, Mr. McMinn or his staff never
reviewed the case's file.


MASSACHUSETTS -- DTE to defer DSL cost issues

Two Department of Telecommunications and Energy hearing officers
have granted Verizon Massachusetts' request to defer
consideration of two digital subscriber line (DSL) cost issues.
Verizon asked the officers to delay establishing final rates for
conditioning of loops that meet Carrier Service Area standards
and final rates for line sharing collocation augment application
and engineering services.

Verizon said it would be more efficient to address the two issues
in the DTE's comprehensive TELRIC (total-element long-run
incremental cost) docket. The items are the final issues
remaining in the DTE's 1998 advanced services rate investigation.

Covad Communications Co. opposed Verizon's request. Covad said
removing the issues to the TELRIC docket would deprive the
parties of the extensive record on loop conditioning costs
developed in the advanced service docket. Covad also said the
move would "entail unnecessary time and expense."

The DTE hearing officers said that the collocation and line
sharing costs are within the scope of the TELRIC docket and that
any matter contained in the advanced service docket would be
available to the parties in the TELRIC docket. The officers also
noted that the rates proposed by Verizon in the TELRIC docket for
the two DSL items are lower than the interim rates set in the
advanced service docket.

Verizon will have to begin offering the lower proposed rates
immediately, subject to true-up when the TELRIC docket is
concluded. (Docket no. D.T.E. 98-57, Phase III)


ARIZONA -- ACC approves price hike

The Corporation Commission has adopted a settlement that
increases Southwestern Telephone Co.'s business and residential
rates, sets a 9% rate of return, and increases the company's
revenue by $20,000. Southwestern, the commission staff, and the
Residential Utility Consumer Office (RUCO) were parties to the

Southwestern originally asked for a 9.96% rate of return, based
on a $3.9 million fair-value rate base (FVRB). The commission
staff and the RUCO proposed their own rates of return and FVRBs,
and the three parties worked together on a settlement. The
agreement adopted the staff's proposed FVRB of $4.1 million.

The settlement will raise residential rates by 25 cents to $11.25
and will raise business rates by 90 cents to $24.90.
Southwestern serves about 4,600 access lines in the Quartzsite
and Salome exchanges. (Docket no. T-01072B-00-0379)


FLORIDA -- NeuStar to release 'growth code' to BellSouth

The Public Service Commission has ordered North American
Numbering Plan administrator NeuStar, Inc., to release a "growth
code" to BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., for the Magnolio-
ORLDFLMADS1 switch in the Orlando rate center.

BellSouth requested a growth code to meet a customer's request
for 2,500 consecutive DID (direct inward dial) numbers in an NXX
with a four as the last digit (NX4). NeuStar denied BellSouth's
request because the company hadn't met the rate center months-to-
exhaust (MTE) criteria required to obtain a growth code. To
qualify for a growth code, carriers must have no more than a six-
month inventory of telephone numbers in the rate center.
BellSouth appealed NeuStar's decision to the PSC.

The commission said the MTE criteria create a disadvantage for
carriers with multiple-switch rate centers. One switch in a such
a center may be near exhaust while the average MTE for the rate
center is above six months, the PSC said. When NeuStar denied
BellSouth's code request, the MTE for the Magnolia-ORLDFLMADS1
switch was four months. (Docket no. 010309-TL)


NORTH CAROLINA -- Commission sets number-pooling schedule

The Utilities Commission has ordered Telcordia Technologies,
Inc., to implement 1,000-number block pooling in the "919" area
code by Oct. 26. Number pooling will postpone "for as long as
possible" the activation of the "984" overlay for the "919" area
code and the introduction of mandatory 10-digit dialing, the
commission said. (Docket no. P-100, Sub 137)


CALIFORNIA -- PUC to mull advice letter procedures

A Public Utilities Commission administrative law judge has asked
interested parties to comment on whether a hearing should be held
to discuss various proposals to change the advice letter process.
Regulated companies usually file advice letters to make routine
tariff changes.

According to the ALJ, a consequence of the proliferation of the
telecom industry is that the PUC's "procedures for different
types of telecommunications advice letters also have proliferated
rapidly, sometimes even on a utility-specific basis." He said
the goal of this proceeding was to unify and simplify existing
procedures, which are scattered over many decisions and

The ALJ said some parties have asked the commission to retain
certain advice letter procedures, but they disagreed about which
ones should be kept. The ALJ has asked interested parties to
respond by June 14 to his questions about advice letter
procedures that are inconsistent with the commission's general or
telecom rules. Commenting parties also must discuss whether and
why they think a hearing would be warranted. (Rulemaking no. 98-
07-038, Rulemaking for purposes of revising General Order 96-A
regarding informal filings at the Commission)


ALABAMA -- Rule would revise reporting requirements

The Public Service Commission has asked for comments by June 25
on a proposed rule that would require long distance carriers to
identify, for informational purposes, their interstate long
distance per-minute rates in their tariffs. The proposed rule
also would require carriers to identify the product name, per-
minute rates, minimum monthly charges, and billing increments
applicable to intrastate long distance calling plans "within the
same section under which the service is described in the tariff."

The new rule would help the PSC respond to customer complaints,
the PSC said. "Rates associated with the [intrastate long
distance] plan such as the minimum monthly charge, call duration,
billing increments, etc., may not be found in the same general
area of the tariff as the rate schedule," the PSC said. (Docket
no. 15957)


NEBRASKA -- Gov. Johanns mulls fiber-optics bill

The Legislature has passed and sent to Gov. Mike Johanns (R.)
legislation to prohibit governmental agencies or political
subdivisions from providing telecom service for a fee or from
becoming certified as contract or common telecom carriers.
(3/23/01) The measure would allow governmental agencies or
political agencies to own, sell, and lease dark fiber. The
Public Service Commission would have to approve the lease price
and profit distribution for governmental bodies leasing dark

Sens. Curt Bromm (Ind., District 23) and Bob Wickersham (Ind.,
District 49) introduced LB 827.

WISCONSIN -- New coalition seeks reliable telecom service

A coalition of Ameritech-Wisconsin customers and competitors has
formed to "fight for affordable and reliable telephone service."
The Wisconsin CALLS coalition includes the American Association
of Retired Persons, the Citizens' Utility Board, the Wisconsin
Merchants Federation, the Wisconsin Realtors' Association, the
Wisconsin Apartment Association, and AT&T Corp. as members.

The coalition supports a legislative reform initiative to (1)
establish specific service standards and penalties for poor
service by Ameritech, (2) permit customers and competitors to sue
Ameritech directly when it violates the law, (3) prohibit
Ameritech from double charging customers and developers for
connecting new real estate developments to the network, (4)
impose measure to increase local competition, and (5) order
structural separation of Ameritech.

Doug Johnson, senior vice president and general counsel for the
Wisconsin Merchants Federation, said, "Our members depend upon
the reliability and affordability of the local telecommunications
system. In the past year they have suffered major economic
damage as a result of loss of service, slow response time, and
high prices for basic service. And since there is little or no
local phone competition, our members have no alternatives."


ILLINOIS -- CUB urges commission to order Ameritech rate cut

The Citizens Utility Board yesterday renewed its call for the
Commerce Commission to reduce Ameritech-Illinois' rates by $957
million. CUB was responding to a recommendation by two hearing
examiners against including any revenue reduction when renewing
the company's alternative regulation plan. (5/22/01)

A review of Ameritech's finances conducted by CUB and other
consumer agencies found that the company "has underreported its
revenues and overstated its expenses to mask its true earnings
and ward off any rate reduction." When the company's books are
adjusted for those discrepencies, CUB said, the study shows rates
should be reduced by $957 million, a decrease that would save the
typical customer $120 a year.

CUB Executive Director Martin Cohen said, "The hearing examines
ignored all the evidence showing that Ameritech's rates are
excessive. But we've seen the ICC overrule their hearing
examiners on many occasions. We look forward to arguing our case
directly to the ICC in the coming weeks."

The ICC is scheduled to rule on the hearing examiners' proposed
order in July, according to CUB.


DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -- PSC adopts service-termination rules

The Public Service Commission has adopted rules governing service
termination by competitive local exchange carriers. The rules,
which were first adopted on an emergency basis in March, also
modify existing regulations on tariff reviews, certification, and
annual reviews. (3/30/01)

The rules will take effect when they are posted in the D.C.
Register. (Formal case no. 892, Approval of Competitive Local
Exchange Carriers to Provide Telecommunications Services in the
District Order no. 12000)


DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -- PSC wants comment on subloop UNEs

The Public Service Commission has asked for comments by May 29
identifying subloop elements that Verizon Washington DC, Inc.,
must include in unbundled network element (UNE) cost studies due
July 16. (5/2/01)

The PSC said Verizon and AT&T Corp. disagree as to whether a loop
concentrator is a subloop element, which must be unbundled.
Verizon argued that it isn't and that the FCC requires it to
unbundle only two subloop elements--the loop distribution and the
loop feeder.

The PSC said, "Verizon is incorrect in asserting that the FCC
only included two subloop elements as UNEs; in fact the FCC
requires all subloop elements to be unbundled." The problem, the
PSC said, is that there isn't a list of subloop elements.
Although AT&T argued that the loop concentrator qualifies, "AT&T
didn't define the term or explain its function," the PSC said.

Once parties provide a list defining each subloop element and
explaining their functions, the PSC will set a final list of
elements. Verizon will have to provide costs for those elements
in its UNE cost studies. (Order no. 12004, Formal case no. 962,
In the Matter of the Implementation of the District of Columbia
Telecommunications Competition Act of 1996 and Implementation of
the Telecommunications Act of 1996)


VERMONT -- PSB orders number pooling

The Public Service Board has ordered telecom carriers to begin
1,000-number block pooling by May 1, 2002. The PSB said although
its single area code, "802," isn't in immediate danger, it still
may be susceptible to premature number exhaust.

The board noted a recent request for 98 central office codes
advanced 802's projected exhaust date from 2011 to 2007. The PSB
said two more similar requests would exhaust the available number
supply completely.

The board plans to select an interim number-pooling administrator
within two months. The PSB said it would establish a cost-
recovery mechanism before pooling begins and appointed a hearing
officer to oversee the docket. (Docket no. 6505, Investigation
into Area Code Relief for the State of Vermont)


TEXAS -- WorldCom objects to SW Bell listing increase

WorldCom, Inc., has asked the Public Utility Commission to reject
Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.'s tariff increasing its directory
assistance (DA) listing rates. In an informational tariff
filing, SW Bell increased its wholesale DA listing rates from
0.11 cents to 4 cents per initial listing. Informational tariffs
take effect soon after filing, unless a party objects to it.

The PUC set cost-based rates for SW Bell's wholesale DA listings
in separate dockets. SW Bell said its DA listings should be made
available at "market-based" rates consistent with the FCC's Feb.
17, 2000, unbundled network elements (UNEs) order.

WorldCom said the PUC's cost-based rates are permitted by the
FCC's directory listings and UNEs orders. (Docket no. 24142)


KANSAS -- SW Bell to reprint directory

Because of a publishing error, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.
omitted about 20,000 residential and business listings from its
Shawnee Mission directory, which includes listings for Overland
Park. SW Bell has distributed more than 200,000 copies of the
directory to customers in eastern Johnson County. It plans to
redistribute corrected directories "as soon as possible," a SW
Bell spokesperson told TR.


VIRGINIA -- New '434' area code debuts June 1

North American Numbering Plan administrator, NeuStar, Inc., has
assigned "434" to the area carved from the "804" area code last
year. The State Corporation Commission ordered the change in
December 2000 when it opted for a "split"/"overlay" combination
plan to relieve the impending number shortage in the 804 area.

The 434 code will be launched June 1, marking the beginning of a
seven-and-a-half month permissive-dialing period. Mandatory use
of the new code will begin Jan. 15, 2002. The 434 code will
serve areas to the south and west of the Greater Richmond area,
including the cities of Charlottesville, Danville, and Lynchburg.

The 804 area code will continue to serve the Greater Richmond
area, as well as the town of West Point and communities on the
upper and middle peninsulas. Verizon Virginia, Inc., said the
change will have no effect on rates or local calling areas.


OREGON -- PUC opens certificate-transfer rulemaking

The Public Utility Commission yesterday opened a rulemaking on
transferring to other carriers certificates of authority to
provide telecom service, a PUC staff member told TR. The
commission doesn't have any rules on this issue. (5/21/01)

The staff already has drafted a proposal based on the existing
requirements for obtaining a certificate. The proposal would
require both parties to a transaction to file a joint
application. According to the staff, this would ensure that both
parties concur with the specifics of the transfer.

The transfer applications also would be considered on an
expedited basis. The draft rules would abolish the proposed
order and exceptions process in these cases, eliminating 36 days
from the proceeding.

The commission scheduled a July 23 workshop and a Sept. 24
hearing to receive input on the proposed rule. (Docket no. AR


WISCONSIN -- Measure would prohibit 'spamming'

Rep. Steve Foti (R., Oconomowoc) and Sen. Mary Panzer (R., West
Bend) yesterday announced that they are introducing legislation
to protect consumers from unsolicited e-mail advertising, known
as "spam." Under AB 416, a person would have to include the
letters "ADV" at the beginning of the message to indicate to the
receiver that the e-mail is an advertisement.

E-mail advertisements also would have to include a toll-free
number or return e-mail address so the recipients could respond
and ask to have their e-mail addresses removed from the
distribution list.


GEORGIA -- Teleport offers credits for term commitments

Teleport Communications Atlanta, Inc., is offering a $2,500
equipment credit to business customers who order a new T-1 and
sign a three-year agreement. Teleport also is offering a one-
month credit of monthly recurring charges to T-1 customers who
commit to bill at least $500 in combined local and intraLATA
(local access and transport area) service per month and sign a
one-year term agreement.

The promotions apply to customers who order service between June
1 and Dec. 31.


MICHIGAN -- Companies launch Internet services in Detroit

Qwest Communications International, Inc., today announced that
it's offering digital subscriber line Internet connections to
Detroit area businesses. The service reaches almost 60% of the
area's small business market. In the second quarter, the company
plans to initiate service via a local fiber network in Detroit to
provide customers with direct access to its high-speed global
broadband Internet network at speeds up to 10 gigabits per

Also today, Focal Communications Corp. announced that it recently
launched its Internet eXchange service in Detroit. The service
allows customers to bypass Internet bottlenecks by offering
direct access to multiple global backbone providers, Focal said.


DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -- PSC cancels service-quality meeting

The Public Service Commission has cancelled the June 5 meeting of
its Local Exchange Carrier Quality-of-Service Working Group.
Group member Verizon District of Columbia, Inc., earlier this
month said the working group wouldn't be able to make May
deadlines for submitting a draft performance-assurance plan and a
report summarizing lost-order trouble tickets.

The PSC established new due dates for the group's reports. The
draft performance assurance plan is due June 8, the lost-order
trouble ticket report is due June 22, and a draft performance
metric change management plan is due July 6. The PSC said its
staff would reschedule the June 5 meeting "at a time that is
convenient to the working group members." (Formal case no. 990,
In the Matter of Development of Local Exchange Carrier Quality of
Service Standards for the District)

======================== END =========================

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