Enron Mail

To:richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, thane.twiggs@enron.com,mcarroll@texas.net
Date:Thu, 26 Apr 2001 00:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

I wanted you to see this - what does everyone think? Thanks, Jean Ryall

---------------------- Forwarded by Jean Ryall/NA/Enron on 04/26/2001 07:23
AM ---------------------------
From: Ron McNamara on 04/26/2001 06:13 AM
Sent by: Ron McNamara
To: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Doug Gilbert-Smith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jean

Subject: TXU ERCOT

Christi, Doug and Jean

Attached is Brad Jones' final version of the ERCOT Filing (the one labeled
v.3). I have also attached the copy that I sent Brad with my comments. I
think he did a pretty good job of incorporating my concerns. As I said on the
reply to Thane I think we would be conspicuous in our absence from this
filing if we don't sign on. So far 11 entities have signaled there desire to
sign on. Does anybody know how many signed on to the first filing on this
matter? Christi, I have the instructions from Brad about where to fax the
signature sheet - he needs it by 3:00 Friday. What I am trying to do is to
get the PUC Staff to understand that there is a fundamental difference
between the way they (and us) are looking at an electricity market (ie with
PJM glasses on) and the way that the market designers viewed things. It has
been clear throughout my discussions with them regarding congestion
management that they don't understand the difference - not yet anyway, but
they are getting better. Once they do get a clearer picture of the
differences they will better understand our arguments against balanced
schedules. With this in mind wherever possible I try to get John Meyer, Brad
Jones, Barry Huddleston et al to articulate their philosophy more clearly -
and the more they do that the greater our chances are. Because, as Hogan so
succinctly stated, their model doesn't work. If it does...well...great.
Anyway my recommendation is that we sign on. Doug, although I would have
written it differently, I don't think the tone of the final version is
overly critical or whining.

Please let me know what you think. I won't be able to communicate much
today...I'm presenting at a meeting on congestion management in SPP here in

Regards, Ron