Enron Mail

To:mark.palmer@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com
Subject:Transcript of a bizarre and unusual telephone call from the ISO
Date:Mon, 9 Jul 2001 08:11:00 -0700 (PDT)

See attached -- this came up in this morning's call and I asked for the=20
transcript. We need to find out how many trades we did before the price=20
jumped back up. kd
---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Denne/Corp/Enron on 07/09/2001=20
03:07 PM ---------------------------
From: Steve C Hall/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/09/2001 01:29 PM
To: Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, James D=20
Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Christian=20
Yoder/ENRON@enronXgate, Bill Williams III/ENRON@enronXgate, Tim=20
Belden/ENRON@enronXgate, Richard B Sanders/Enron@enronXgate,=20
gfergus@brobeck.com@SMTP@enronXgate, Alan Comnes/ENRON@enronXgate
cc: =20

Subject: Transcript of a bizarre and unusual telephone call from the ISO=20

Here is the transcript of the ISO's real-time desk asking Enron real-time=
trader Ryan Slinger to help the ISO "set" the market-clearing price ("MCP")=
for replacement energy. The ISO wanted Enron to help set the MCP for=20
replacement energy at $91.86, because the ISO was upset that the MCP had=20
dropped to a penny, and now market participants were buying the ISO's exces=
energy a penny (after having sold it to the ISO for $91 the day before).

There are two phone calls. The first call is the ISO calling to ask us to=
help it to set the price. The next call occurs three minutes later and is=
the ISO calling because we didn't put in the bid. Our trader told the ISO=
that he had to "talk to his boss" because he "didn't want to do anything=20
wrong." =20

Note: I have just learned a complicating detail: Coincidentally, our desk=
did put in a bid for $91.86 for Hour 18, which was what the ISO had=20
requested. However, the bid had been formulated before the ISO called our=

Transcription of a telephone conversation between the ISO=01,s Real Time De=
and Enron=01,s Real Time Desk - July 3, 2001, 14:40:50 - 14.43:38

Enron: Enron, this is David [Porter].

ISO: Hi David. This is Allen at the ISO.

Enron: David: Hi Allen. How ya doing?

ISO: Allen: Hold on one sec. I=01,ve got to get something.

Unknown: Stage one at 11.

ISO: Allen: Hey, I=01,m on the hour-ahead desk. Did you guys put a bid i=

Enron: David: Yes, hang on one second Allen.

ISO: Allen: Yeah.

Enron: Ryan: This is Ryan [Slinger].

ISO: Allen: Hey Ryan, this is Allen at the ISO hour ahead. Did you guys=
put a trade in, replacement [energy]? Not trade, but a bid?

Enron: Ryan: For which hour, for hour 15?

ISO: Allen: For hour 16?

Enron: Ryan: For hour 16, correct.

ISO: Allen: Can you guys continue to put the price at that?

Enron: Ryan: At what? At $91.86?

ISO: Allen: Yes

Enron: Ryan: Um,=01(.

ISO: Allen: This isn=01,t on a recorded line, but we wanted to do that be=
of some of the things that we are seeing. It would be good to keep it [the=
Market Clearing Price for Replacement Energy] at a higher price. It doesn=
matter how many megawatts you put it at, but we want to clear it at a high=

Enron: Ryan: Wait, you said we=01,re not on a recorded line, or we are?

ISO: Allen: We=01,re not. No, we=01,re not, okay. We already talked to =
day-ahead research guy and myself, but we saw you guys clear at $91 and we=
wanted you, if it=01,s possible, to continue to set that, whether it=01,s 2=
0 MW or=20
whatever you want to put in there.

Enron: Ryan: Okay, um=01(..

ISO: Allen: We want to clear it at that because of some issues we are=20
seeing as far as others that are taking advantage of the market.

Enron: Ryan: Oh yeah. Because it had been clearing like at $100, hadn=01=
,t it?

ISO: Allen: Not replacement.

Enron: Ryan: Oh, not replacement?

ISO: Allen: No. What happened is that we bought it back=01(.see, the=20
day-ahead was purchased at like $100 and then what happened is that the=20
hour-ahead . . .a bunch of these people were buying it back for a penny ov=
the [inter] ties. They were faking it. So we wanted to keep the price up=
high. =20

Allen and Ryan: Unintelligible.

Enron: Ryan: So they were selling it, oh, in the day ahead, and buying it=

ISO: Allen: Buying like 60 bucks. . . trying to make money off of it, the=
basically they are trying to buy it back at a penny.

Enron: Ryan: Oh, that=01,s ridiculous.

ISO: Allen: That=01,s really ticking us off and right now . . .

Enron: Ryan: That to me signals, that=01,s probably Powerex, isn=01,t it?

ISO: Allen: There=01,s about four of them right now.

Enron: Ryan: Shit.

ISO: Allen: And for the day-ahead for tomorrow, we didn=01,t, we didn=01,=
t, we=20
took them out. Basically, we=01,re not allowing anything over the ties.

Enron: Ryan: I didn=01,t submit one for 17 or =01(.

ISO: Allen: That=01,s fine. They=01,ll probably go to a penny and they=
probably get excited and do a bunch, and we=01,ll hopefully cut them off if=
can get the next price and the next market at 80 or 91.

Enron: Ryan: Okay. All right. Well, I=01,ll see what I can do.

ISO: Allen: I appreciate it. It=01,s actually in the best interest for t=
State and the ISO [with] what these guys are doing, so we are trying to put=
stop to it.

Enron: Ryan: Okay.

ISO: Allen. Thanks, bye.

Transcription of a telephone conversation between the ISO=01,s Real Time De=
and Enron=01,s Real Time Desk - July 3, 2001, 14:46:55 - 14:47:40 (3 minute=

Enron: This is Ryan.

ISO: Hey Ryan, its Allen.

Enron: Ryan: Yeah.

ISO: Allen: Hey, did you put it in for the next hour?

Enron: Ryan: For hour 16?

ISO: Allen: Yeah, no, they already ran 17.

Enron: Ryan: Oh, I didn=01,t do 17, no.

ISO: Allen: Well, see, we=01,re gonna run, we=01,re gonna run 18 coming u=
p here=20
in the next fifteen minutes.

Enron: Ryan: Okay.

ISO: Allen: If you have any questions, let me know. I hope you know this=
is me from the ISO. I don=01,t know if you think I=01,m somebody else but =
you can=20
call me at the hour-ahead desk.

Enron: Ryan: Well, I mean, I=01,m talking to my boss right now as far as,=
because of, you know, I don=01,t want to be doing anything that=01,s wrong.

ISO: Allen: Yeah=01(=20

Enron: Ryan: Even if it is helping you guys out, if it=01,s wrong, I can=
=01,t do=20

ISO: Allen: I know, but if you continue to bid in at, um, the market, tha=
s the best thing to do. For replacement. All right.

Enron: Ryan: Okay, I=01,ll see what I can do.

ISO: Allen: Thanks, man.