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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: "Lisa Jackson" <ljackson@caem.org< X-To: "CAEM Update" <ljackson@caem.org< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_June2001\Notes Folders\Caem X-Origin: SHAPIRO-R X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf [IMAGE] The California Electricity Crisis has resulted in an avalanche of=20 opportunity for the Center for the Advancement of Energy Markets (CAEM) to= =20 provide its views on energy restructuring. Below you will find links to so= me=20 of our recent documents. In May, CAEM issued an update to the RED Index 2001 that?now includes the 1= 3=20 provinces and territories of Canada. The RED Index is a scorecard on the= =20 progress states are making in electricity restructuring. RED Index Update= =20 for Canada.?USA Today did a full page spread using CAEM=01,s RED Index to = give=20 a summary of activity in the top 25 states. USA Today Article. The Governo= r=20 of Pennsylvania included the RED Index Rank of Pennsylvania in his=20 State-of-the-State Address. Pennsylvania Governor The NY PSC issued a Pres= s=20 Release on the RED Index. NY Commission=20 CAEM is pleased to announce the formation of a public-private sector projec= t =20 called the Distributed Energy Task Force. At the request of important membe= rs=20 of Congress, CAEM will be assessing opportunities for promotion of=20 distributed energy technologies and matching those opportunities with poli= cy=20 instruments, i.e., tax incentives, funds for R&D etc. For a copy of the=20 project description and participation information, email a request to=20 jwimberly@caem.org. In February, CAEM sponsored a meeting of the newly formed Leadership Counci= l =20 on Energy Restructuring, an umbrella group of industry executives and publi= c =20 sector officials who support the development of a coherent strategy on=20 energy restructuring. Leadership Council Document In April, CAEM filed comments with the FTC on the proceeding that =20 was?initiatedat the request of House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairma= n=20 Billy Tauzin on the impact of?States restructuring. CAEM FTC Comments =20 In March, CAEM held its first meeting of the DISCO of the Future Forum. We = =20 have posted several documents from that Forum. DISCO Forum Documents Last Sunday, the Philadelphia Inquirer published the views of CAEM on =20 President Bush=01,s Energy Plan. Philadelphia Inquirer Article=20 In January, CAEM appeared on CNN to discuss the California Crisis. CNN Li= nk Feel free to forward this email to colleagues who may be interested in the= =20 Center's activities.? For other information and documents, please visit o= ur=20 website at http://www.caem.org=20 Please let us know if we can be of assistance to you in your efforts on =20 energy restructuring. If you do not wish to receive updates on CAEM=01,s Activity, please reply w= ith =20 the word "remove" in the subject line. Thank you. ? Ken Malloy President Center for the Advancement of Energy Markets 5765-F Burke Center Parkway (PMB333) Burke, VA 22015-2233 o 703-250-1580 f? 248-928-5040 e kmalloy@caem.org w http://www.caem.org ? - new logo16.bmp