Enron Mail

To:mark.palmer@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com
Subject:FW: Campaign Update 7-16-01
Date:Mon, 16 Jul 2001 16:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Beth Miller [mailto:beth@billjones.org]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 9:53 PM
To: beth@billjones.org
Subject: Campaign Update 7-16-01

To:??????? Republican Leaders


From:??? Beth Miller

???????????? Communications Director


RE:?????? Campaign Update


Sorry for the delay in getting you all the happenings of last week.? Bill=
Jones has been going full steam ahead every day.? In fact, this week has=
picked up right where we left off last week.? Let me take a minute to bring=
you up to speed.


Bill Jones Exposes Massive Conflicts of Interests in Gray=01,s Energy Tea=


Thanks to Bill Jones dogged determination, the Governor=01,s energy adviso=
and consultants are going to follow the laws!? First, Bill called for=20
complete public disclosure by Davis=01, 45 advisors by filing their=20
legally-required statements of economic interests to protect against any=
conflicts of interest.? You can read about Bill=01,s call for action in=20
Thursday=01,s Sacramento Bee at =20

Bet you can guess what happened next=01(the Governor=01,s office lied and=
stonewalled until they couldn=01,t stand the pressure from the media.? So,=
hastily prepared 24 of the 45 advisor=01,s statements (some incomplete, so=
very sloppily prepared =01) perjury, anyone?) and made them available late=
Thursday afternoon.?=20


Well, wouldn=01,t you know =01) there are astounding and disturbing confli=
cts of=20
interest by a number of the consultants and some potentially criminal=20
violations too.? But don=01,t take our word for it =01) you can see what t=
he Los =20
Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicleand Sacramento Beehad to say aft=
reviewing the conflicts in the disclosure reports =20


"More than half a dozen consultants hired by the state to purchase=20
electricity and to negotiate long-term power deals own stock in generating=
companies such as Calpine and Enron that have profited handsomely during=
California's energy crisis," wrote the Los Angeles Times. To read the=
article, visit http://www.billjones.org/CAPolitics/CAPolitics.cfm?ID=3D2072=
.?? The SF Chronicle's analysis of the situation netted this fact.=20
"According to statements filed with the state's Fair Political Practice=20
Commission, six of 45 new consultants hired by Davis own stock in San Jose=
based Calpine Corp.,while one has investments in Enron Corp. of Houston.=
Both companies are power generators that sell electricity to the state," t=
Chroniclereported.? Check it out the Chronicle story at=20
http://www.billjones.org/CAPolitics/CAPolitics.cfm?ID=3D2071&;c=3D1. Or the=
Sacramento Bee=01,s coverage at=20


Be sure to check out the newspapers on Tuesday, July 17, for coverage of=
Bill=01,s press conference today in Los Angeles where he demanded that AG =
Lockyer immediately open an investigation into criminal misconduct and the=
outrageous conflicts.? Bill also called on the Fair Political Practices=
Commission to broaden the scope of their ongoing investigation into=20
conflicts with Gray=01,s communications consultants =01) Lehane and Fabian=
i (This=20
investigation is thanks again to Bill=01,s efforts.)?=20


The facts are clear =01) check out Bill=01,s remarks, some examples of spe=
conflicts that have and are occurring with your tax dollars!? Visit the=20
Secretary of State=01,s web site at=20
http://ss.ca.gov/executive/press_releases/news_releases.htm for all the=


Look for coverage tonight on LA TV stations KCBS Ch. 2 and KTTV (Fox) Ch. =
as well as radio stations around the state.? We=01,ll be sure to share wit=
h =20
you tomorrow=01,s newspaper stories.=20


In other happenings last week:


Fighting for A Fair Reapportionment:? At an Assembly Committee field=20
hearing in Orange County on Friday, Bill put the Legislature on notice:

=01&If the redistricting plans and maps which are created by the Legislatu=
re do=20
not meet the standards of fairness and equity described in judicial=20
decisions which should be familiar to all of those involved in the process=

I will initiate whatever legal action, in whatever court is necessary, to =
guarantee that while I am Secretary of State, Californians will have fair=
and accurate districts from which to select their leaders.


Visiting with the Grassroots:? Bill met this Saturday with old friends a=
new at the California Republican Assembly=01,s Board of Directors Meeting =
Simi Valley.? Bill was warmly received and, according to =01&insiders=018 =
at the=20
event, Bill came across as =01&very

statesman-like, firm and authoritative.=018? We agree =01) that=01,s the =
look of a=20
leader with the experience and vision for the job!? But the comment we like=
the best=01(.=01&Jones was very gubernatorial." Couldn=01,t have said it b=
etter =20


Labeling Riordan a RINO:? Dick Riordan has earned the ire of many in our=
Party who believe he is a Democrat wolf in Republican sheep=01,s clothing!=
? =20
Check out California Political Review editor William E. Saracino=01,s =01&=
Richard =20
Riordan =01* the Ultimate RINO=018in which Saracino says, =01&Riordan=01,s=
record jars=20
with the Bush-wants-him-for-governor story.Turns out the story=01,s as wob=
as Dick=01,s GOP credentials.=018? You can find the article on line at ?

If Riordan=01,s record bothers you =01) you=01,re not alone.? Phil Sheldo=
n of=20
ConservativePetitions.com wants to send a clear message to Riordan through=
his =01&No Riordan=018 petition. As Phil points out: "In short, Richard Ri=
ordan is=20
a RINO who should not carry the banner of the Republican Party to run for=
California Governor. The state of California should have a clear choice=20
between a conservative Republican and a Democrat -- not a choice between a=
Republican In Name Only and an ultra-liberal in the Democrat Party.?=20
Republican leaders should not encourage Richard Riordan to run for=20
Governor."? If you'd like to sign the "No Riordan" petition, go to:=20
http://www.conservativepetitions.com/petition.html?name=3Dno_riordan =20


That=01,s it for this week =01) stay tuned as Bill Jones continues to hold=
Davis accountable to the people of California.? Bill Jones =01) the =01&s=
shooter=018 who will restore integrity and leadership to the Governor=01,s=


Have a great week!