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Enron Mail |
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Jeff Dasovich X-To: Richard B Sanders, Tim Belden, Sandra McCubbin, Susan J Mara, Richard Shapiro, Paul Kaufman, Alan Comnes, James D Steffes, skean@enron.com, mpalmer@enron.com, Karen Denne, Christopher F Calger, David Parquet X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_June2001\Notes Folders\California X-Origin: SHAPIRO-R X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf ----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 05/31/2001 05:09 PM ----- Scott Govenar <sgovenar@govadv.com< 05/31/2001 05:03 PM To: Jeff Dasovich <jdasovic@enron.com< cc: Subject: MIsc. Jeff, Regarding your voice mail, here is information on today's Dunn hearing: While today's hearing is still going on, here is what transpired with Edward Kahn as of 2:40 p.m.. Kahn went over his previously released SCE sponsored report on withholding. He discounted the Mirant sponsored Hogan report as inconclusive and indicated that he will be releasing a response shortly. Kahn indicated that Tim Belden refuted his report at a meeting in Santa Fe but that Tim would not "predictably" release hard copies of his report. Kahn also referenced an Enron document addressing his report contained in an Enron FERC filing. Senator Dunn told his staff to make note of Tim's name and the reports. Senator Dunn indicated that the committee is now in possession of confidential ISO documents. Regarding Pescetti, he called Smutney, Gary Ackerman and I into a meeting. Gary did not show up. Anthony discussed four items he is considering legislatively: 1) Edison deal minus the assets with a rate cap. He is concerned that if SCE goes under the state will implement the PPA through drastic measures. 2) Establishing a 15 month cost-plus rate cap with one condition, the state must build 10,000 mw within the 15 months or the cap will be lifted. 3) Direct access (I told him to talk to Dave Kelley before he does anything) 4) Expedited Path 15 legislation, perhaps with partial generator funding. He expressed interest in real time metering as a means to increase conservation. Smutney suggested using part of the PPA money to install meters for all customers. I told him Enron used these meters with great success for the industrials. Anthony had some concern with reliability so I told him I would get information. I'm working with Elizabeth Linell on this. He also expressed interest in buy-down so I gave him Enron's plan. Anthony said he is working alone on these proposals. Scott