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Enron Mail |
Really nice message, Rick! =20
-----Original Message----- From: =09Dernehl, Ginger On Behalf Of Shapiro, Richard Sent:=09Thursday, July 19, 2001 3:33 PM To:=09Comnes, Alan; Levy, Alberto; Dadson, Aleck; Navin, Allison; Amr Ibrah= im/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT; Kim, Amy; Rodriquez, Andy; Wilson, = Angela; Schmidt, Ann M.; Hueter, Barbara A.; Hawkins, Bernadette; Ashcroft,= Beverley; Bevin.HunterW@enron.com; Moore, Bill; Rigney, Brandon; Gaillard,= Bruno; cristinah@elektro.com.br; Nersesian, Carin; Carlos Gustavo Azevedo/= SA/Enron@ENRON; Perez, Carmen; Cooney, Carolyn; Robert, Carrie; Yeung, Char= les; Hood, Chauncey; Long, Chris; Nicolay, Christi; Patrick, Christie; Dere= cskey, Cindy; Votaw, Courtney; Staines, Dan; Allegretti, Daniel; McCarty, D= arrel; Mangskau, Dave; Tagliarino, David; Vegas, Dennis; Lassere, Donald; F= ulton, Donna; O'connell, Earlene; Terry, Edith; Catala, Eidy; Linnell, Eliz= abeth; Tiberi, Fino; Grant, Fiona; Rishe, Frank; Warner, Geriann; Palmer, G= ermain; Dernehl, Ginger; Braz, Gisele; Ogenyi, Gloria; Canovas, Guillermo; = Perez, Gus; Kingerski, Harry; Rizzo, Helen; Means, Henry; Fromer, Howard; S= teffes, James; Guerrero, Janel; Migden, Janine; Pantoja, Javier; Dressler, = Jean; Ryall, Jean; Dasovich, Jeff; Keeler, Jeffrey; Brockwell, Jennifer; Zo= ch, Jennifer; Stransky, Joan; Paixao, Joao; Allen, Joe; Connor, Joe; Ambler= , John; Hardy, John; Neslage, John; Shelk, John; Bestard, Jose; Alamo, Jose= ph; Denne, Karen; Sullivan, Kathleen; Mongeon, Kathy; Stroup, Kerry; Kishig= ami, Kikumi; Bellas, Kirsten; Hanks, Kyran; Leibman, Lara; Glenn, Laura; Kn= ight, Laurie; Lawner, Leslie; Noske, Linda; Lawrence, Linda L.; Robertson, = Linda; Meade, Lindsay; Assaf, Lisa; Jacobson, Lisa; Yoho, Lisa; Sullivan, L= ora; Maurer, Luiz; Barnes, Lynnette; Tracy, Lysa; Robinson, Marchris; Allen= , Margaret; Huson, Margaret; Nadasky, Marge; Reyna, Margo; Arefieva, Maria;= Hejka, Marie; Palmer, Mark A. (PR); Clark, Mary; Schoen, Mary; McVicker, M= aureen; Pharms, Melinda; Philipp, Meredith; Rosen, Michael B.; Grimes, Mich= ael; Terraso, Michael; Roan, Michael; Olsen, Mireya; Buster, Miyung; Petroc= hko, Mona; Hetrick, Nancy; O'Day, Nicholas; Mccarthy, Oneika; Shortridge, P= at; Keene, Patrick; Kaufman, Paul; Mahoney, Peggy; Alvarez, Ray; Cantrell, = Rebecca W.; Ingersoll, Richard; Shapiro, Richard; Bradley, Rob; Frank, Robe= rt; Hemstock, Robert; Neustaedter, Robert; Reagor, Rodney; Boston, Roy; Bue= rger, Rubena; ssad@elektro.com.br; Novosel, Sarah; Palmer, Sarah; Bolton, S= cott; Assad, Sergio; Sharonda Stephen/Enron@enronXgate; Bolton, Stacey; Cha= n, Stella; Burns, Stephen; Montovano, Steve; Walton, Steve; Kean, Steven; N= ord, Sue; Mara, Susan; Landwehr, Sue M.; Miller, Terri; Twiggs, Thane; Brig= gs, Tom; Hoatson, Tom; Floris, Vinio; Xi, Xi Subject:=09Enron Global Government Affairs Promotions I am pleased to announce that effective July 1st the following individuals = have been promoted from Director to Senior Director. =20 Dan Allegretti - Dan has been a leader on both retail and wholesale electri= city issues in New England for the past several years with Enron, resulting= in Dan currently serving as Chair of the New England Power Pool Participan= ts Committee. Dan, more importantly, has been very active, both in the pas= t and during the course of this year, in ensuring that transactional opport= unities in the New England region are fully exploited by both Enron Wholesa= le Services and Enron Energy Services. Dan's participation in the United I= lluminating deal has been mentioned many times, but Dan has also played a c= ritical role in working with Enron Energy Services this year in helping to = develop a national business plan for creating value through the delivery of= retail services in partnership with municipal and privately owned utilitie= s. Robert Hemstock - Rob's participation in the development of Alberta's compe= titive electricity market and the ensuing PPA project, that has produced co= nsiderable value for Enron and Enron Canada has been quite notable. Rob ha= s been a leader, not only with policy makers, but also with his commercial = counterparts in ensuring that the PPA transaction was brought to fruition l= ast year. Rob has also played a critical role in preserving the value embe= dded in that deal throughout the course of this year. Rob's knowledge of b= oth wholesale and retail issues in both the natural gas and electricity ind= ustries in Western Canada is unparalleled. =20 Sue Mara - Sue is a warrior. Sue has fought endlessly and courageously dur= ing her years with Enron in trying to ensure, against all odds, that retail= and wholesale electricity markets work as effectively as possible in Calif= ornia while also protecting Enron's interests in that very challenging stat= e. Sue is a passionate believer in the efficacy of markets, and fights tir= elessly for both the issues as well as the well-being of the company in Cal= ifornia. Please join me in congratulating each of these individuals on their signifi= cant accomplishments.