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Subject:Action needed on red tape - Issue 110
Date:Thu, 22 Nov 2001 16:24:38 -0800 (PST)

EUbusiness Week - Issue 110
23 November 2001
Your way through the EU information maze

Top stories on EUbusiness
1. Bitter-sweet economic forecasts for the EU
2. Record EUR 855 million fine for vitamin cartel
3. Innovation gap with US widens
4. European judges rule for Levi Strauss jeans against Tesco
5. Final stamp of approval for money-laundering directive

Publisher's Note
The fact that national and Community rules remain overly
complicated and burdensome will not come as a huge surprise to
many of our members. A new Europe-wide survey of 4,000
companies - part of the EU's regular Internal Market Scoreboard -
estimates that at least EUR 50 billion could be saved by
reducing the burden of red tape on businesses and better quality

Britain and Italy were found to be the most difficult EU Member
States to trade with in terms of red tape; Finland was the
easiest. The survey also found that most companies, particularly
in France, Germany and Denmark, have yet to feel any benefit
from government attempts to simplify legislation.

The competitivity of European business is badly hampered by red
tape. The Laeken European Council next month - which will
examine the Commission's Action Plan on Better Regulation -
provides EU leaders with an ideal opportunity to create a better
regulatory environment for businesses across the Union.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/63939

Nick Prag
Publisher, EUbusiness

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1. Bitter-sweet economic forecasts for the EU
The Commission on Wednesday painted a bitter-sweet economic
forecast for the EU over the next three years, with up-and-down
GDP growth, mounting unemployment, falling inflation but
seasoned with cautious optimism for recovery. On Tuesday, the
OECD reported that EU growth would be 1.7% this year, 1.5% in
2002 and 2.9% in 2003.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/64185
The latest forecasts for the candidate countries predict a sharp
downturn of growth in 2001 and 2002. However, average growth
rates between 2001 and 2003 are estimated at 4%, which should
allow candidates some further catching up with the EU.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/64242
On Tuesday, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
said in an annual report that almost all Central and Eastern
European economies will enjoy average growth in gross domestic
product of 4.3% in 2001 -- down from a record 5.5% in 2000.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/64108

2. Record EUR 855 million fine for vitamin cartel
The Commission has imposed a record fine of EUR 855 million on
vitamin producers, including BASF and Roche, found guilty of
operating a price cartel. Roche was fined EUR 462 million and
BASF EUR 296 million for their part in a conspiracy to fix the
price for some highly popular vitamins. Both said they might
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/64186

3. Innovation gap with US widens
Underperformance in the field of innovation and slower
introduction of information and communication technologies are
major factors behind Europe's widening standard of living gap
with the United States. The EU's Competitiveness Report 2001
reveals that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head in the EU is
now less than two thirds of that in the US, the widest gap since
the 1960s.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/64290

4. European judges rule for Levi Strauss jeans against Tesco
The European Court of Justice has ruled in favour of US jean
maker Levi Strauss, saying the British supermarket chain Tesco
had no right to import Levi jeans without going through its
authorised agent in Britain. Tesco, Britain's largest
supermarket chain, imported the jeans at below market prices
from Levi retailers and wholesalers in Mexico, the US and Canada.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/64059

5. Final stamp of approval for money-laundering directive
The EU's Council of Ministers has given its final stamp of
approval to the proposal to upgrade the EU's money laundering
Directive. Following the ministers' approval at their meeting in
Brussels, the legislation will enter into force in eighteen
months' time. The Directive, which previously only applied to
proceeds of drug offences, now obliges Member States to combat
laundering of the proceeds of all serious crime - including
fraud against the EU budget.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/64066

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Other stories on EUbusiness this week
* Top EU officials head for EU-India summit, Pakistan working
visit 21-Nov
* 2002-04 tobacco premiums lay ground for phasing out subsidies
* EU receives Microsoft response to competition query 21-Nov
* EU Energy Commissioner says oil prices have fallen too much 21-
* Blair ally attacks Britain's euro preparations 21-Nov
* Wallstrom says GMO 'deadlock' holding up research 21-Nov
* Italy hosts summit of central European states 20-Nov
* EU and South Korea pledge joint battle against US steel
rulings 20-Nov
* Euro-zone industrial production down 0.5% in September 20-Nov
* European Commission backs commercial talks with Iran 19-Nov
* Six EU countries sign cooperation pact on air combat and tech
systems 19-Nov
* Commission accepts two thirds of Parliament's FP6 amendments

Subscribers only
* Hariri sees accord with EU as catalyst for Lebanon's economic
revival 21-Nov
* Keep French francs after Jan 1 for future use says ex-minister
* German roadhogs to benefit from euro changeover 21-Nov
* January 1, in comes the euro, out go 12 currencies 20-Nov
* Euro-zone monetary reserves increase 20-Nov
* Euro switchover is leading to price rises in some areas:
Bundesbank 19-Nov
Subscription to our live AFP Newsfeed costs only GBP 50 - EUR 80
per year + VAT.

Inside the EU Institutions

Council Watch
Justice and Home Affairs: Italy and Ireland blocked an accord
late last Friday on the spectrum of application of an eventual
EU-wide arrest warrant aimed at prosecuting international
terrorist rings by eliminating complex and time-consuming
extradition procedures.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/63848

General Affairs Council, 19 November conclusions

Agriculture Council: Commissioner Franz Fischler told ministers
that he expects to see a gradual recovery in the beef market,
which was seriously affected by both mad cow disease and the
foot and mouth outbreak.
Full story: http://www.eubusiness.com/item/64133

Euro Parliament Watch
At committee meetings in Brussels this week, the Environment
Committee gave strong backing for the European Food Safety
Authority; the Transport Committee endorsed with amendments a
proposal for a directive designed to improve the training of
professional drivers carrying goods or passengers by road; and,
following rejection by plenary of the Commission proposal on
tobacco excise duties, the Economic and Monetary Affairs
Committee agreed to explore possible ways forward and negotiate
in good faith with Council and Commission. In conciliation,
Parliament and Council moved closer to agreement on the 2002
Budget prior to second reading, but could not agree on working
time in road transport.
Press: http://www.europarl.eu.int/press/index_en.htm

EU diary
23 November, EU-India Summit, New Delhi
26 November, Internal Market, Consumer Affairs & Tourism
Council, Brussels
27 November, Fisheries Council, Brussels
28-29 November, European Parliament Plenary, Brussels
29 November, Education & Youth Council, Brussels

Internet Monitor

Trading with the euro-zone
This guide has been prepared by the FEE (Federation des Experts
Comptables Europeens) for companies outside the euro area. (PDF)

The drugs problem in the EU
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
(EMCDDA) this week published its 2001 Annual report on the state
of the drugs problem in the EU.

Transfer of personal data to third countries
The Commission has produced an explanatory note on developments
regarding the Commission Decision (2001/497/EC) on standard
contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third
countries not declared as providing an adequate level of data
protection (so far Switzerland, Hungary and the US Safe Harbor
System are deemed to provide adequate protection).


Comments of the Week
On the question of clearing euro cheques from other eurozones,
Peter Barron writes: "there is a proposal for legislation in the
EU system on this subject which might bring the cost down. The
European Commission has suggested that money transfer charges
across the borders of the single market should be the same as
transferring them outside (including for cheques)."

Anthony McHugh-Jewell comments: "Marion Bywater says that there
is a decision to be made on the November 26th as to whether
cheque clearing should be taken out of the Commissions proposed
regulation. Is there any means of exerting pressure on behalf of
the small business at this late stage?"

Paula Norris would like "information on a 'ball-park' figure
regarding pricing differentiation between the UK and the
countries of mainland Europe. A British company is interested
in setting sales targets for mainland European countries for its
products for 2002 and would like some idea of the generally
accepted price differentiation that is necessary in order to
succeed in European markets."

If you can answer a question, or have one of your own, see our
Any Answers section.

What is the best way to help European businesses in the wake of
the terrorist attacks in the U.S. - general interest rate cuts,
subsidies for specific sectors or tax breaks for specific
sectors? Register your vote!

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