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NGA Corporate Fellows
News from the National Governors Association's Corporate Fellows Program=09= =20 November 2001=20 NGA Outlines Vision For 2001-2002=20 "The dawning of this new century and the convergence of globalization, tech= nology, and deregulation have forced governors to ask important questions a= bout the best way to govern. We are discovering the answers. In the 21st ce= ntury, state leadership will be decisive." Michigan Governor John Engler NGA Chairman, 2001-2002 In response to recent challenges, state leadership is already rethinking go= vernment and implementing the following strategies: Regarding families, the states are making strategic investments in the basi= c unit of society. These include providing lifelong learning opportunities = and incentives for personal responsibility and self-sufficiency. NGA's stra= tegies nurture civil society and encourage the kind of social and intellect= ual infrastructure needed for the 21st century. NGA activities to support this legislative agenda include: State Roundtables Capitol Hill Forums Site Visit Program NGA Policy Regarding the economy, the states are strengthening American competitive ad= vantage in the world. By reshaping each state's economic environment to enc= ourage clusters of innovation, governors are building a stronger national e= conomy and states are prospering in the global marketplace. NGA will support this competitiveness initiative through: Policy Briefs Clusters of Innovation Conference Regional Forums Regarding government, the states are reengineering the public sector to be = more flexible, adaptable, customer-oriented, and performance driven. This m= eans focusing on results, decentralizing decision making, and using technol= ogy to improve services. As a Corporate Fellow, your organization will have a unique opportunity to = participate and share in the dialogue that emerges from NGA's vision for 20= 01-2002. Through briefings with NGA senior staff, participation in Corporat= e Fellow advisory groups, and attendance at the NGA's Winter and Annual Mee= tings, your organization can share with the NGA in the fulfillment of its v= ision and contribute to better government. Coffee with Governors and their DC Office Directors Scheduled On December 12, you are invited to join NGA Chairman Michigan Governor John= Engler and NGA Vice Chairman Kentucky Governor Paul Patton and governors' = Washington, D.C. directors for coffee. This is first in a series of events = geared toward strengthening the partnerships between the Corporate Fellows = and governors' staff. The meeting will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. = in Room 333 of the Hall of the States, Washington, D.C.. The program will b= egin promptly at 8:15 a.m.. If you are able to attend, please RSVP to Denis= e Harrison <mailto:dharrison@nga.org< by e-mail or at 202/624-5325. Welfare Reauthorization Meeting In light of the upcoming debate on welfare reauthorization, Governors Washi= ngton Representatives and NGA staff are currently working on revisions to H= R-36 the Welfare Reform Policy. On December 14, 2001 from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., Gretchen Odegard, Le= gislative Director of Human Services of the NGA Human Resources Committee, = will hold a meeting of private sector stakeholders to hear their recommenda= tions for Congress on reauthorization.=20 Please RSVP to Kimberly Miller <mailto:kmiller@nga.org< by November 30, 200= 1 if you are interested in attending. The meeting will be cancelled if ther= e are too few attendees. Welcome New Fellows=20 American Water Works Company, Inc. recently joined NGA's Corporate Fellows = Program. American Water Works is the largest regulated water utility busine= ss in the United States. The company's utility subsidiaries and affiliates = now serve approximately 10 million people in 23 states. American Water Work= s, whose interests are natural resources issues, has also joined the Corpor= ate Fellows Advisory Group on Natural Resources. Mark Strand, Vice Presiden= t, Government Programs, added that "As the largest private sector water com= pany in the country, we look forward to making a valuable contribution to t= he NGA's Policy Studies Divisions. Water infrastructure repair will be a ma= jor issue facing state and local governments over the next decade, and we h= ope to share our experiences and ideas and contribute to solutions that are= developed in the Center for Best Practices." Please click here <http://www= .amwater.com/< to view the American Water Works Company, Inc. Web Site.=20 Corporate Fellows Advisory Groups=20 With the support and involvement of the Corporate Fellows, the NGA Center f= or Best Practices helps the nation's governors frame solutions to today's m= ost pressing concerns and tomorrow's public policy challenges. The Corporat= e Fellow advisory groups combine the voice and experience of both the priva= te and public sectors to examine what works, what doesn't work, and what le= ssons can be learned from others grappling with similar problems and issues= . These advisory groups (education, eGovernance, employment & social servic= es, health and natural resources) meet during the Winter and Annual Meeting= s to discuss the year's work-plan and the role of Corporate Fellows; regula= r meetings of the Corporate Fellows' advisory groups take place throughout = the year. If your organization is not involved in an advisory group and wou= ld like to join one, please contact Denise Harrison <mailto:dharrison@nga.o= rg<. Corporate Fellow Spotlight Accenture is a global provider of management and technology consulting serv= ices and solutions. It has been a leader in this consulting arena for more = than 20 years by serving its clients in areas of consulting, technology, ou= tsourcing, alliances, and venture capital. Accenture prides itself in assis= ting organizations address vital business challenges, while creating new bu= siness opportunities. Accenture joined the Corporate Fellows' program just over seven years ago. = Formerly known as Andersen Consulting, the company served on the steering g= roup of the Corporate Fellows Program through 2000.=20 Accenture plays an active role in the eGovernance Advisory Group. In prepar= ation for the 2001 Annual Meeting, Accenture participated in the Corporate = Fellows Loaned Executive Program, lending an executive for two weeks to ass= ist in development of a toolkit designed to help governors implement eGover= nment initiatives. The impetus was to provide governors with tools for tran= sforming state government into an enterprise that is organized and managed = to maximize the benefits that technology brings including meeting customer = expectations, enhancing economic competitiveness, and improving public serv= ices. The toolkit is structured into two categories - streamlining state op= erations and improving customer service - that provide concrete implementat= ion strategies, examples of successful programs, and additional publication= s and resources. Accenture assisted NGA in organizing and reviewing content= , and provided perspective on leading edge state eGovernment projects. You = can access the toolkit here <http://www.nga.org/center/egovernment<. To lea= rn more about Accenture, please click here <http://www.accenture.com<. In the News... Gov. Ridge Names Deputy Director of Homeland Security and Outlines Organiza= tional Structure Governor Tom Ridge, the Director of the White House Office of Homeland Secu= rity, announced several staff appointments including Admiral Steve Abbot to= be Deputy Director of the Office of Homeland Security. Other appointments = included Mark Holman, Becky Halkias, Carl Buchholz, Barbara Chaffee, and Su= san Neely, many of whom served with then-Governor Ridge in Pennsylvania. Th= e White House also released the general organizational structure and operat= ing procedures for the Homeland Security Council. Included in the new desig= n and procedures will be Homeland Security Policy Coordination Committees t= o address specific homeland security issues.=20 Related Links:=20 N ew Deputy Director of Homeland Security <http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/r= eleases/2001/10/20011029-6.html< Organization and Operation of the Homeland Security Council <http://www.whi= tehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/10/20011029-16.html<=20 Homeland Security: News from the States Alaba ma Governor Don Siegelman announces that the state's homeland securit= y and anti-terrorism action plan has been thoroughly revised and updated. <= http://governorpress.state.al.us/pr-2001-11-01-homeland.htm< He also appoin= ted Gen. Michael H. Sumrall as the acting director of homeland security for= Alabama. Sumrall will coordinate the state's security among state agencies= and the national Office of Homeland Security. Arkan sas Removes Emergency Plans from Web Site. <http://www.thecabin.net/s= tories/110601/sta_1106010054.shtml< State emergency officials have removed = from a web site sensitive information about potential terrorist targets in = Arkansas. Governor Dirk Kempthorne outlines the ongoing actions being taken by state = agencies to protect Idahoans as the country fights a war against terrorism.= <http://www2.state.id.us/gov/mediacenter/press/pr01/prnov01/Pr_01_1 55.htm= < Governor Kempthorne announced the state is stepping up readiness and its = ability to respond to chemical and biological weapons. Lt. Governor Jack Ri= ggs, M.D., an emergency room physician, will lead the state's bioterrorism = efforts and help establish a statewide protocol for reporting and respondin= g to potential biological incidents, improve public education and communica= tion. Minnesota Lawmaker Urges Broad Powers to Fight Bioterrorism <http://www.sta= rtribune.com/stories/462/808718.html<. In Minnesota's most comprehensive pr= oposal to combat bioterrorism, a legislator called for sweeping new state p= owers to quarantine disease carriers and seize property to treat epidemics. West Virginia Governor Wise Signs Executive Order Allowing National Guard T= roops to Receive Extended Health and Life Benefits. <http://www.state.wv.us= /governor/FullArticle.asp?index=3D325< Gov. Bob Wise signed an executive or= der that will allow the Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) to make av= ailable health and life insurance benefits to full-time public employees cu= rrently covered by PEIA. "Since the September 11 terrorists attack on Ameri= ca, we have seen West Virginia sons and daughters called into action," said= Wise. "Some of these servicemen and women have left not knowing when they = will return, and for some their departure will mean a harsh financial impac= t by jeopardizing their income and valuable health and life insurance. This= executive order will now give them options regarding their coverage." Corporate Fellows Program Staff Update Kimberly D. Miller is the new Director of the Fund Development and Corporat= e Programs Office. Kimberly comes to NGA from the Washington Office of Cali= fornia Governor Gray Davis, where she served as Deputy Director since Febru= ary 1999.=20 Kevin Silard is the new Associate Director of Fund Development and Corporat= e Programs. Kevin comes to NGA from TOWER Software. _____ =20 Questions? Contact the Webmaster <mailto:webmaster@nga.org<.=20 You are currently subscribed to fellows as: rshapiro@enron.com=20 To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-fellows-2229D@talk.nga.org=20 NGA Resources=09=20 NGA Home Page <http://www.nga.org/<=20 NGA Policy Positions <http://www.nga.org/nga/legislativeUpdate/1,1169,C_POL= ICY_POSITION, 00.html<=20 NG A Press Releases <http://www.nga.org/nga/newsRoom/1,1169,C_PRESS_RELEASE= ,00.html<=20 NGA Reports Online <http://www.nga.org/nga/1,1169,C_REPORTS,00.html<=20 NGA Center for Best Practices <http://www.nga.org/center/1,1188,,00.html<= =20 About the Governors <http://www.nga.org/governors/1,1169,,00.html<=20 Look for the Next Corporate Fellows Newsletter:=20 December 2001 Calendar =09 CORPORATE FELLOWS PROGRAM MEETINGS:=20 DECEMBER 12 Coffee with Governors and their Washington, D.C. Office Directors=20 Special Hosts: Governor Engler and=20 Governor Patton (8:00 AM - 9:30 AM) Hall of the States, Room 233 Washington, D.C. If you are able to attend, please RSVP to Denise Harrison <mailto:dharrison= @nga.org< by email or at 202-624-5325 no later than December 5th. NGA MEETINGS: FEBRUARY 23-26, 2002 NGA Winter Meeting JW Marriott Hotel at National Place Washington, D.C. NGA Contact: Denise Harrison <mailto:dharrison@nga.org< JULY 13-16, 2002 NGA Annual Meeting Boise, Idaho NGA Contact: Denise Harrison <mailto:dharrison@nga.org< NGA COMMITTEE MEETINGS:=20 NOVEMBER 28=20 Natural Resources Committee Working Group Meetings on NR-9 & NR-8 (3:00PM-5:00PM) Washington, D.C. Hall of the States, Room 235 NGA Contact: Diane Shea <mailto:dshea@nga.org< NGA CENTER MEETINGS: NOVEMBER 28-30 NGA Center for Best Practices Retreat for Governors' Health Policy and Huma= n Services Advisors La Posada de Santa Fe Santa Fe, New Mexico NGA Contacts: Joan Henneberry <mailto:jhenneberry@nga.org< and Evelyn Ganzg= lass <mailto:eganzglass@nga.org< NOVEMBER 29-30 NGA Center for Best Practices Workshop on Emerging Growth Issues The Millennium St. Louis, Missouri NGA Contact: Joel Hirschhorn <mailto:jhirschhorn@nga.org< DECEMBER 3 NGA Center for Best Practices Learning Laboratory "Partnerships for Progres= s: Linking Higher Education and Economic Development" Special Host: Governor Patton (8:00AM - 4:00PM) Camberley Brown Hotel Louisville, Kentucky NGA Contact: Cardella Graves <mailto:cgraves@nga.org< DECEMBER 5-7 NGA Center for Best Practices 2001 Workforce Development Policy Forum W Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana NGA Contact: Martin Simon <mailto:msimon@nga.org< OTHER MEETINGS: DECEMBER 12-13 The NGA Executive Committee/Council on Competitiveness Roundtable on Nation= al Clusters of Innovation=20 The Council on Competitiveness in cooperation with National Governors Assoc= iation Washington, DC Ronald Reagan Building & The Grand Hyatt Hotel Please RSVP to Kevin Silard <mailto:ksilard@nga.org< For additional information, please click here <http://www.compete.org/innov= ate/innovate_index.html<. DECEMBER 14 Welfare Reauthorization Meeting Gretchen Odegard, Legislative Director of Human Services of the NGA Human R= esources Committee, will hold a meeting of private sector stakeholders to h= ear their recommendations for Congress on reauthorization. (10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.) Please RSVP to Kimberly Miller <mailto:kmiller@nga.org< by November 30, 200= 1 if you are interested in attending. The meeting will be cancelled if ther= e are too few attendees. =20 =20