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Date:Fri, 23 Nov 2001 14:42:24 -0800 (PST)

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To: ken.e.randolph@dynegy.com
Date: Friday, November 23, 2001 10:42:28 GMT

I'm not sure where the acquisition of Enron by Dynegy is going( or not)
ultimately, nor am I seeking any unique insights. Time and other
cirumstances will dictate the outcome. Since we last spoke about layoffs
in my group, the situation has grown worse...as of the moment, and
assuming no further erosion, the North American group directly under my
charge will shrink next week to 29 professionals and 5 support staff
and a budget of $9.4 million dollars( down from $32.8 million dollars in
2001). In addition, Europe Government Affairs will likely shrink to no
more than 3 professionals and a budget of approximately $750,000
dollars. The layoffs are slated for sometime in the upcoming week(week
of November 26) with people departing the same day they are given
notice. As you can imagine, this is a particularly painful process,
especially since I hired most of these people as we were building what I
considered and will always consider to be a world-class organization. We
not only built a group of Government Affairs professionals who were
talented, hard-working and who had many successes at opening energy
markets, but who, also, with few exceptions, embodied a set of values;
e.g; honesty, integrity, decency toward others( friend or foe) that were
not always as plentiful throughout the Enron culture as many, including
myself, would have hoped.
To cut to the quick, I'm tired of the weight that burdens all
of us who remain at Enron( I can explain this further) and am actively
seeking a change in my personal circumstances.( Steve Kean knows I am
looking, but doesn't know specifically about this note...I don't believe
he would object given the context). I have thought long and hard about
sending this note...it is not easily done. I have also thought about
whether it will be percieved as abandonment of my group if I were to
move on soon...This may be a rationalization, but after seeing through
next week's layoffs, there is little left to do that has not already
beeen done. I also believe that ( and you may talk to folks in my group
for validation) I have done the very best I could for them over the last
few months under challenging circumstances. Bottom line, my skills and
personal network , that I believe are considerable, will be grossly
underutilized at Enron over the next 6-9 months if I were to stay.( If
the acquisition stays on track, this view may not be exactly right) I'd
be happy to talk about this with you further if you so desire. In
addition to my work #(713-853-3407) and e-mail, I can always be reached
at home(936-321-7153).

Thanks very much, Rick